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Image Comments posted by gaule

    Liby Rework 2


    Beautiful earnest expression on the face.  I would prefer this portrait to the other close-up one you present. The gaze has more room to travel in this one, and the added detail of dress does not distract.

    Happiness in KAMPUNG


    A fine, spontaneous image of a moment in life, with plenty of colour. I find the shallow focus helps to concentrate our attention on the action of the boys, but it's true that the out-of-focus rocks in the left foreground might better have been avoided.

    Palm Springs

    I like the depth you have captured in this landscape. Each plane adds an element of interest. I find, however, that the wind turbines detract a bit from the natural beauty of the scene. Perhaps that's the tribute we pay to modernity...

    blur water...

    The framing of the waterfall through the branches, using a telephoto focal length, has preserved detail very successfully in the two elements. It's a very attractive close-up.
  1. The cascade of water and light into the darkness of the cave has created a very striking contrast. Neither of the extremes has been sacrificed, although I think the lighted area above may have lost a little detail. Personally, I would not hasten to remove the second figure on the right, as has been suggested. It helps to give balance to a scene that would otherwise be very 'centred'.


    J'aime bien la sobrieté de ce petit coin qui invite à s'asseoir un moment et à méditer. En noir et blanc (ou presque) c'est une image simple mais très efficace.


    Composizione molto riuscita, Guido. L'olivo solitario e immobile contro lo sfondo dell'immensità del cielo con le sue nuvole in movimento crea un contrasto che colpisce.

    Cupola III

    The golden tones are well captured, despite the difficulties you must have experienced with the extremes of light and shadow. I miss, perhaps, a little more symmetry, but that might well have made the composition less interesting. Very nice detail.


    Beautiful 'visionary' expression on the face of the model, and with nice coarse texture in the shawl she is wearing. The lighting brings it all out very effectively.
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