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Image Comments posted by gaule



    The gentle lighting gives a nice soft emphasis to the face, while the upraised arm, too, gives the portrait an unexpected spontaneity. It has the appearance of a moment in real life rather than an artificial pose before the camera.

    "Misty Spring "


    Es una imagen muy lograda. Me gusta particularmente el contraste entre la viveza de los colores en el primer plano y la luz más suave y tamizada en la parte superior.

  1. To my mind, this is a slight departure from your usual style. It is as attractive as usual, but seems less 'natural' - perhaps a touch more painterly... Then again, the varying moods of nature never cease to surprise.

    Deep view


    It's a great mountain image, with the three climbers giving a fine sense of proportion to the whole scene. The different planes, sometimes in sunshine, sometimes in shadow, also give the view a good sense of depth. It's very attractive.

    The view


    Very forceful in black and white - more so than it would have been in colour, I think. The contemplative atmosphere is well reflected.

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