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Image Comments posted by gaule

  1. A very evocative shot of the Pyrenean landscape. I've trekked the central section of the GR10, which is very similar in its harsh beauty. Your photo left me longing to head for this eastern section.



    There's an attractive, almost impressionist feel to this photo, although the big man is perhaps a little too modern in dress for that.

  2. Es una toma arquitectónica bien lograda y me gusta la suavedad de los colores. Creo que la nitidez deja algo que desear, sin embargo. La imagen me parece un tantico 'blanda', pero es una cuestión de gusto talvez.



    Bodegón estupendo. La textura tan variada de los objetos, desde lo plateado del pescado hasta la blandura apetitosa del pan, es un encanto. La iluminación también se ha controlado perfectamente.



    I find the detail of face and beard against the dark background very striking. The intent look invites us into another man's world.

    Notre Dame


    Beautifully detailed capture of this interior. I find that here the wideangle distortion manages to do full justice to the soaring flight of lines. The warm colour, too, is very attractive.

    Desert Worshipers


    Like all your images, it is very beautiful and the lighting is exceptional. Perhaps the botanical variety in this one overwhelms the viewer in search of simplicity, but that, of course, is just a point of view.

    Four Peaks


    I love the different planes in this photo (I count five, from foreground reeds to sky), each one with its own interest and attractiveness. The framing, too, includes just what is needed and excludes what would be superfluous.

  3. Harry, I find the contrast between the rugged magnificence of the mountain and the somewhat incongruous, less-than-magnificent intrusion of the human element very interesting. If the mountain were to go, the loss would be irreparable. If the hotel were to go, it would hardly be missed. One can philosophize about a photo like this.

    Summer fruit


    Beautifully textured still life, Harry. It makes another fine contribution to your previous images within this genre. I'd love to see the flesh of the pear just a little whiter, perhaps, to offset the warmer colours, but the image is attractive as it stands.

  4. Tolo, admiro la manera en que has logrado conservar al mismo tiempo todo el detalle del cielo luminoso y el de la tierra más oscura, sin hablar ya de los monumentos tan bien iluminados. Me encanta particularmente el contraste entre los colores cálidos del primer plano y los azules fríos de cielo y mar. Es una composición muy atrayente.



    It has once again all the intriguing and entrancing characteristics of your style, Kemal. It's a portrait that has an element of mystery, like a figure emerging dimly from the past, from another age, still half dormant in her beauty.

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