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Image Comments posted by gaule


    The photo has a nice "Lord of the Rings" kind of feel to it, although the jeans are a bit of a giveaway. The thorny foreground works well, too. The facial expression is well captured.
  1. I'm no great judge of artistic similarities, I'm afraid. At the same time, this is a striking image that stands very well on its own merits. With the sunburst over the hill, you have captured one of those magical, moody moments that can transform a landscape. The silhouette of the trees on top, of course, is what makes it even more unique. With a little bit of imagination, it's like a huddle of human beings on an English Mount Sinai waiting for the revelation of their God (!)

    For One More Catch

    As a casual shot, I think this one works very well. The nice, cocky look of the younger boy on the right is especially appealing. With more controlled lighting, the image would work even better, but then, of course, it would no longer be a casual or candid shot.
  2. In black and white, this image works well. The human silhouettes, too, give a nice sense of proportion. By the way, Per, the use of the word 'rim' to translate the French 'rimaye' or its German equivalent 'Bergschrund' is not usual in English. Curiously, even in English we tend to use the German word, as it is, as the technical term to refer to this point where a glacier detaches itself from the mountain face.
  3. With the flowers in beautiful focus, this image has all it requires to create an impact, I think. The morning haze in the distance, blurring detail in the hills, doesn't take away in the least from the real protagonists in the scene.

    Big Sur 1 RS

    The shot gives us a nice breath of the ocean as it sweeps in to shore. The haze created by wind and wave, however, has reduced somewhat the contrast and the vibrancy of colour. Perhaps a UV or polarizing filter would help in these circumstances.

    Enjoy the height

    Alex, I love the beautiful sense of climber's joy that your subject communicates.This looks like a 'via ferrata' climb, judging by the metal fixture in the rock and the harness used, but the distant landscape to the right gives the photo a nice 'unprotected' feeling.


    Beautiful plunging view into the landscape. The only thing I like a little less is the dark rim of cloud at the top, but nature doesn't always give us what we would wish for.


    Very good use of available light on what appears to have been an unpromising day, weatherwise. Were the atmospheric conditions the odds against which you had to struggle?
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