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Image Comments posted by gaule

  1. Es una imagen que capta bien la belleza del paisaje. Si uno de esos "agujeros en el cielo" hubiese inundado de luz el primer plano, creo que habria sido un puro encanto.


    How lucky you are to live in such latitudes! The mingling of colours on the meadow is very beautiful and you have captured a nice freshness in the sky.

    Careless Whisper

    This photo is very true to the style you have developed and is, as usual, very beautiful. I am in two minds about the accentuation of the eyelashes, however. It does provide a point that draws the attention, but it also gives a little bit too much emphasis to one part of the image. That's just my own impression, of course.


    Attractively unusual image of winter climbing. I love the detailed, silky texture of the snow. It is all very beautiful in B & W.


    This is a very fine photo that tells its own little story of discovery. The centred composition, the unobtrusive background, the muted colours, all combine to give the picture an almost painterly quality. It's very beautiful.
  2. The mountains open their arms in a cold embrace of rock and ice: so it seems in this photo. Perhaps there's a certain sameness in the different parts of the image, but it is attractive.
  3. I think the piercing yet absent eyes of the man are the elements that best convey the impression of hopelessness you have sought to convey. Perhaps, though, a more strongly naturalistic approach to human misery would elicit greater compassion than one that has the beauty of artistic post-processing. Don't get me wrong! The image is striking, but I wonder if it is truly moving, and it is the desire to move that seems to have been your stated intention.


    This composition really caught my attention. The contrast between the dry rock and the living tree is as captivating as it is unexpected. The contrast in colour, too, from soft pink to green, is very effective. There is beautiful harmony between the predominantly rounded lines and folds of the rock and the verticality of the tree. Excellent capture!


    It's nice to see this smiling transformation of the last presentation of your model. Again, I like the naturalness with which you have chosen to make the portrait.
  4. Very attractive array of colours, from trees to mountains. It all makes for a very pleasing landscape. The veil of cloud on the more distant mountain gives a nice added softness to the scene.
  5. It's a very interesting juxtaposition and the two elements - or should I say four, with the ladder and treehouse - work very well together. Perhaps the tree is somewhat lacking in elegance, but that is hardlyof the essence.

    Dream A Little

    This is indeed serendipity: being in the right place at the right time. Perfect composition. It's a pity the colour of the two elephants on the left merges somewhat with the background. Otherwise, it's a photo that has it all!
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