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Everything posted by CvhKaar

  1. it's all still rumours and speculation... Part of that rumurs is that it will possibly be an APS-C camera, now tah would make it less interresting for many but more interresting for me .. ;):cool:
  2. mm to me it is clearly focussed on the sigarette smoke , backlight or flash combined with smoke will give you this type of , sometimes on purpose, shot's ..
  4. Mmm, if waiting for the Z9, are you sure that you want an ES-2 , or could it be that Nikon will come up with a copier especially designed to fit the Zn series better, with features that fit the Zn or it's lenses in one or another way ?
  5. The measuring of available light in the camera is done by different light-sensors, in a different housing, followed by differnt sensors to register the image, fololwed by different electronics with diferent programs to translate the light on the imaging sensors by different programs, then the program that translates the image information on your computer into colours and lightlevels to show you a recognizable image on your screen even uses a different protocol with its own settings depending on the source camera.. So... how would it be even possible to get exactly the same resulting image? ;):cool:
  6. The main reason i think there will be no new development for DSLR's is that i feel there is nothing they can really improve padt the D850 / D6 / D500 unless they would look at verry high investment with insufficient return to make it wellworthy, whereas the mirrorless lines still have headroom to develop further in interresting ways..
  7. I think Nikon is discontinuing all DSLR's i think, i do not expect any new DSLR's from nikon anymore ..
  8. If you wait long enough most problems disolve by themselves ..;):cool:
  9. Just buy that dmd DF thing, and keep the D810, selling it can still be done if you like the DF better. AT the price of 1 good lens .... :cool:
  10. Indeed.. Does the OP use the same cable to connect the card reader and the Camera to the PC? If so , try another cable ?
  11. mm sounds like a more expensive opton than an existing speedbooster, 1 perfectly good TC plus an FTZ adapter, and then still the electronics would be totally off because they where not designed for a "converted" FTZ .... But hey, if yuo have enough money to spend and like to do the "metal" work, and know how to calculate the correct adjustment, i'd say : Have fun with this!
  12. It is more complex than a TC-e20III, which is arround the same price...
  13. one interresting difference is dependncy on how reflective the inside of the lens barrel , and internal coatings of a lens are, this is because a sensor mostly is much more reflective that a film surface resulting in the possibility of more internal reflections which can be disturbing. For this reason Sigma, among others, changed internal lens coatings with the introduction of digital camera's in general to it's "DG" attributed lenses for Digital. The difference is visibel in the longer (tele-) zoom'ss particularly.
  14. - Nikon G - Nikon Z-mount Speed Booster Ultra 0.71x (avned.nl) - Metabones® and there are more allready..
  15. L-bracket, so you can choose orientation on your tripod ?
  16. Soo your "problem" is is in reality a " Special Feature" of the Kipon then.. ;)
  17. That is all down to you being willing to carry your best camera arround all the time, or being a good photographer who can perform with any equipment you happen to have available at any point in time. I konow people who take much better and significant pictures with their old rollei 35mm pocket cam, than others with multi thousends of euro's worth of nikon / leica / cannon stuff, just beccause they recognize the frame and moment that make a good shot...
  18. Lol, The best camera is always the one you are carrying at the moment you want to capture or secure something as an immage, no matter whether yo have the best, most advanced and most expensive equipment at home, if it happens to be an iPhone you are carrying with you, then taht iPhone is the best camera there is, the other stuff is just electronics in a cupboard in another place...
  19. the "OP"seems to have left the buildim after 1 message ?
  20. Indeed, it is all up to personal "needs" and "want to have it" ...
  21. Quickest answer : put in a new battery ....
  22. Do notknow about the Z7, but i haveused my D500 at -12C - -15C , without problems ( 50mm af-d lens only) the only thing was a shortened battery life, but for that i carried 3 of them..
  23. One of the reasons i prefer the AF-D version...
  24. IF going for the 60mm AF, then i would prefer de AF-D over the AF-S, the AF-D gives you 1 inch more working distance at 1:1, has brighter optics ( i think) is cheaper to obtain, and can be used on tubes and bellows since it has an aperture ring making it more versatile ..
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