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Everything posted by GerrySiegel

  1. A temperature and moisture controlled room would be ideal. Air conditioning is the ultimate anti microbial environment in Hawaii. it may be I got bum dope but I do the "baking" so to speak of lenses and some prism gadgets every so often. Funny that some never show contamination and others get fungal spots, mostly small ones. Spots on a 20 yr old lens ,I do not sweat. Fibers or tentacled spread between elements indicate a spreading of the fungi and then it might, (not must,) affect the images. A pen light examination will likely ruin your day==golly there is DUST in there-help etc etc.. I have had one lens professionally disassembled by Canon repair and cleaned and lo it now has some fuzz again in five years. To say this is a generic problem is not exaggeration. But not inevitable Some lenses remain free after 30 years. Go figure. Following a lot of years with a lot of gear, I still have not advice that I can stand firmly behind. Except, in Hawaii, it is not smart to store optics in leather or even vinyl anything. Air circulation and take the critters out for a brief direct sun bath cannot hurt.
  2. As far as subscription renewal. There should only be an opt in and never a default renewal. Not part of any contractual arrangement. Let us know -once more if there is an opt in versus and opt out..I have not decided as of now, but will consider it.
  3. Fiendish simulation by the rascals. My alert radar has to learn to keep up.
  4. GerrySiegel

    A nice robust use of color. Good complemetaries. Processed just right and not too much.
  5. I admire the combination of star points and their reflection. Unusual. Well done. Calm and soothing panorama.
  6. Splendid pose and lighting. The background does not do the figure justice. Nowadays one can actually put a full sky behind her by selective work in Photo Shop. Might be worth a try. Tough to get peak action and with such interesting costume. Good work.
  7. It is kind of baroque, the concerns about swallowing. But the wee packets does no good in open bags exposed to human breath and dog breath and what you have in your garden growing...I have seen the results of even large silica in sealed containers....beautiful mint Alpa destroyed for instance... Be smart, San, keep air circulation if it is microbials and fungi you have in mind. There are camera bugs that speciaize in gear They find lens cement tastyw a side of silica and the adhesive on leatherette absolutely scrumptuous. UV A is a great anti microbial. Bake the lenses for 20 minutes a month. It will give you more Vitamin D as well. Alooha
  8. Do it Sanford, if it makes you feel good. As to keeping your camera and lenses drier, I doubt if there will be any measurable help there. At least that is my experience and that of people I have worked with. Large commercial silica is a different story. But no, nothing wrong with doing that. Costs nothing. Hurts nothing.
  9. Budget is one of those words that are so relative that they are often not used much anymore. I like affordable better. When I had only tips from selling newspapers I managed to find a way to make photos. If you are able, you can get someone to pay for your work. If not, then you need to define what you seek and your goals. I guess the best way to answer is to reply, " What are your employment opportunities?" If you are supporting a hobby, there are always ways to do something with whatever spare change you have. My wife keeps a large juice bottle and drops all her change in it. I also found that I could sqirrel away a few more acorns from drinking home brewed coffee over lattes. If you love photography, then consider making your budget scrape a little. If this sound too facile, well, that is what it is. We do wish you well..ideas on saving bucks abound here. Best work does not come from highest price gear. But you know that already we are sure. Keep your dreams. Budget hobbies as you do other stuff. And even, gosh, share things with others around you. If you decide to help a working photog on weekends, consider borrowing some of the older equipment in exchange for services. And idea.
  10. I am glad that we still have the Quantum and especially its Nickel Metal battery option since Li ion is not favored by airlines. It has one flaw that i will not call fatal,but annoying. And that is the attachment ring for the reflector and other accessories like the Octabox. It can be made tighter with tape wrap around, but for seven bills, the designers could have come up with a proper fitting. I have read this also from another professional user so I am not the only one to (gripe) or rather notice a flaw in what is a very sturdy and useful tool. So I give it four and a half stars. Bright ones though...aloha, gs
  11. Is it flickering at 24 fps or more? Weird effect.. I cleaned all my cables so it did some good. But WTD What the Deuce
  12. Glad to hear that the service desk is responsive. I bought a T5d when I was considering wedding work or portraits and did a few. Plus a large Turbo battery lead cell...loathe to sell this fine combo. I have to get them back in use more than I have even as they are not light to carry. The shift to Nickel Metal Hydride battery pack is encouraging. So. I take advantage on a sale price on one of those Turbo 3 which I can use with my Olympus FL 50 and Q flash...I have to see about powering camera for video but that is tempting with Quantum battery. I am very much a flash user, and maybe Quantum is overkill for amateurs like me but it does give a beautiful result. And totally reliable. That says something. Low obsolescence factor is valuable.
  13. "Complaint Department, How Can I help you Today? " People tend to do what they perceive worth while. Said my Socio prof. Motivation is supposed to be where if you say something about a photo the respondent will do that for you.... I am curious , having looked for years. that people are quick to praise, which naturally begets praise, well and good,, yet to give a suggestion on what might look better is tough to proffer in a nice but definitive form on line. As, I think ,Fred noted earlier it takes TIME and CARE. Long long ago I suggested PN might even consider a panel of photo pros to pick a photo and do a real in depth ( pay them natch), I even opined that I personally do not gain much from casual observation. Bob Atkins, at the time said that sounded well sort of elitist. Of course. I confess. Yet. One of the UK mags did it. It not only is a kind of dialogue that is interesting to more than an individual, but it teaches all how to respond to a photo Well, I really do not know if this reflection contributes to the lament in low volume. Of what has been a tough sell for a long time. I may be wrong. But I think not.
  14. I will riff on Supriyo pipe theme with a tenor sax solo
  15. Just for experiment I was about to comment on some bicycles against a mountain scape and wondered what our colleague Supriyo had to say. I can't see any comments. to left of Supriyo name how come? And frankly the buffet of kind of bland choices such as admire would be better put below the Comment on this One Please choice. Whoops, first you have to click on the lower left text. I wonder who thought this up. Likely the guy that trimmed the maze in the Overlook Hotel in the movie with Jack Nicholson you know the one...life sure is getting harder and harder to navigate. Kind of a lonely feeling.
  16. I have no problem with Fuji or Sony or some of the smaller Olympus brands. Right now I bought a used like new Panasonic GX 7 for 400 dollars. An inexpenseive Olympus 45mm makes a good portrait length of 90mm equivalent. It is an under rated camera with a nice size, bright finder, and even a built in flash. Check it out at KEH or B and H used department. Lots turn up. I use it with a 20mm lens for day to day and carry a 45mm fast 1/8 for portrait outdoors. Snazzy combo. It is the same size as a point and shoot but a better choice in my opinion. Simple enough to operate and a touch screen well designed for comfy shooting. Fits in a corner of your bag too. I have yet to see a point and shoot to really love...the lenses trombone out a lot from what I can tell to give you a zoom effect. With a few rather expensive exceptions. Tell me I am amiss.
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