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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by GerrySiegel

  1. .........umbrella, sunglasses, laptop power adapter, external HDD, headphones, etc... Sir, you remind me of me. At least when I was a little younger. I always figured that I better take along a package of trail mix and at least two raisin bagels, Latter when I was flying somewhere. If you carry a laptop to and from work, that is standard laptop or tablet style bag. For photography, most of us have as many as a dozen other bags we can never get rid of. I think my latest was the Lowepro single shoulder brassard style which I have not given a fair test. It does allow access to the camera while on the shoulder and swiveled. I have a photo backpack but I( use it the least so far. Lately some retail stores insist one check the backpack at the entrance. For flying, a backpack is useful and swallows a lot of the ETC items. The holy grail is one or two versatile do all bags. Such do not exist. And be sure you get one that matches your favorite ccolor. Very important :-)
  2. I am impressed with the top of the line items out there now. And Thorpe has a recent in full review in his video blog... I do not need either, but the EM-1 Mark II and the Panasonic GH 5 show that the format is not dying soon. They squeeze so much out of the microprocessors. Plus the top of the line zoom lenses are really sweet stuff. And one gets no sciatica carrying them if one is reasonable in lenses and one small flash maybe.
  3. Does the chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost. Arguably.
  4. I think it surprised me that a button cell, of the kind in some alarm clocks I have ordered would not ship....but I have a cousin in Boston who will assist if it comes to that. I had a cart item on special at fifty bucks off, hate to miss that deal. But hey, I get to gripe to my comrades here at PN. Gripegripegripegriparino...
  5. I am sure there are offerings out there. Your gear is heavy. I would never want to be the Sherpa to help you ( I mean I used to schlep but who needs the scapula pain, ya know?. Lighten the load is the best way and I predict you will get to that point in no time. Also, consider an IPAD small size while you are at it. We are into weight reduction and back exercises lately. I wish you luck. So many good outfits available I am not up to date. I use a mirrorless mover by Think Tank. You might be a candidate for a backpack as well. Best, gs
  6. I do not take a position on this topic. But have noticed that there are so many themes and the permutations are limited. How often will we expect to see RED or THREE or BLACK and WHITE. It is a statistical formula. 365 days times 10 posters equals X number of items per year and so on. Not a bother. I really would hesitate to use the pejorative zombie. Pictures is pictures and no one need resist an urge. I think.
  7. Batteries not included now becomes desirable option. I do not expect B and H to handle this for me, though I am going to ask Henry what he thinks. Never cared for button cells, prefer double or triple AAAs. I expect this business will get resolved one way or the other. So I am assuming that anything shipped NYC to California with such batteries will now have to go only by ground....I can still get my lawn trimmer batteries locally but I think Amazon also will not air ship. Your experience Ben, is interesting. A new age of travel. I am cooling it at home this Summer. Will I have to take out my camera battery next time I fly and have it asbestos wrapped. I mean no kidding. Seems the rule applies to baggage but I did not get the whole picture from the Google. ( Has Samsung done us all a dirty deed, without knowing it?) We do tend to over react, though a fire on a plane can ruin a pilot's whole day granted...
  8. I had a small B and H Vello RF release item on sale in my cart but was refused shipment by any means, hmmm. So it cannot be shipped to Hawaii or Alaska. Airline and carriers will not abide them, either carrier or federal reg I am not sure. From the sales person at B and H this current prohibition results from big time incidents of fires in batteries on aircraft. I recall a big one in the news, thought they had fixed the problem whatever that was. In the event, the trigger hand held remote release has one button battery, Li ion technology. Confirmed by his superior. I guess the workaround is to have any such item mailed to a relative up East, ask him to remove the installed battery and transship to me. Or maybe there is 1) a way to send such batteried items via USPS with proper marking. Or I could just hop over to NYC....or, who knows, they may fix this little bump in the road. Any Elex Engineers on line know more about this vexing little deal? Hey, Paradise has its price:-)(
  9. I think his portrait work is brilliant. And some studies I can admire and aspire to. I attended a lecture by Karsh at our University of Hawaii back in the 1970s and have an autographed portfolio of his most famous shots. Canada would be nice but Ottawa is a little out of my range lately...the display would be worth it though.
  10. I use the Squad to wall hang a heavy TV swivel device and to help me set up my new router. I was pleased.
  11. I have a few more months before I guess I am due to renew paid. I don't know if I should renew and give affirmation to the status quo. Guess it could be worse, bite my tongue///
  12. Wozniak writes some interesting and readable articles about Olympus systems. I think he gives a nod to the other micro four thirds and four thirds cameras. He has a perspective going back to the Camedia days. And has a lot of good reading on flash that works and some of the newer lenses. I see his latest item on a Tenba bag. I am sure it is useful. I still love Think Tank where two models of Mirrorless Movers swallow up my cameras. The GX 8 Pana is the largest I use and it fits great. wrotniak.net: Photo Tidbits News Also look up David Thorpe of jolly old England who has some nice videos and thoughts on the photo world. Just for info posting. Since things are somnolescent if that is the word here lately...aloha friends, Gerry
  13. Tony you seek rationality and receptivity. Some would say get in line for a TS checklist. The community is what makes the content. Moderation is only to keep the pens from getting too messy. I think anyway. You do deserve a more genteel treatment of course.
  14. GerrySiegel

    Dale, monochrome says artistic these days. If one sees in color that is just amatoooor. I have commented on the subject, but we are stuck with the fashion here.
  15. GerrySiegel


    Any explanation or crib sheet would help. Why do I bother about a seven element lens with super coating and a fast Venus engine. I use to have a great Argus C-3 and I gave it away. Rats!
  16. Papa, if entreaties do not produce any significant feedback, restraint by those who have invested some years in the once highly charged up community. then an outbreak of incivility may occur. Or even, as Ltjg Roberts said in his letters to his detailer " more disharmony aboard the ship." I will hang around for a while, but I am not even sure why or for what purpose. I sign in off and on and then have to get back to a place where I wanted to post something. I think Henry Posner agreed with this small bug fix....could we not have a few coins flung out now and then. Rhetorical question. A silly season, true. Time for kahlua in the morning coffee. PS I have no homily to end my post, but it would certainly be XXX rated so I rely on my banal images only. Always dignity, dignity always. If I changed my moniker it could in fact be Tango Sierra these days.
  17. Yeah, Sandy I deserve a knuckle rap for weak humor. I give it a fair shot now---in deference to the theme
  18. Tech guys you say. Best Buy Geek Squad perhaps?
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