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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by GerrySiegel

  1. GerrySiegel

  2. Army training shelter range area
  3. GerrySiegel

    Portrait 3586

    Good advantage of the open shade. Lovely expression.
  4. GerrySiegel


    Your experiments with mirrors is most thoughtful and the balances are nice. Contrasts with humble surrounds to give them a deep resonance.
  5. GerrySiegel


    Through the Star Gate.
  6. GerrySiegel


    I like the scenery. One might say that the boulder in front is a kind of barred entryway...think about that and see if it strikes a chord. Brilliant colors, nice indeed.
  7. GerrySiegel

    Lovely. Ingenuous. Simple with glowing skin tones. Open friendly approachable facial expression.
  8. GerrySiegel

    Naked biker

    Looks like gilt coating...did I guess right?
  9. Got a call from Richard who says he is worried about my com-pu-ter problem and wants to help...Hey wait a minute.. I am tempted to give him Glenn's e mail 'cause maybe he can fix the bugs or give advice, no cost, sounded sincere and concerned, that encourages..... Trouble is hi speaks with hindi accent andreally hard to follow....//snark// I know, aint funny no more no more// what is left. Except a highball I planned anyway after the news.. PS, Paid subscription is really zilch. Time spent and investment by so many, like Fred in the Photo Analysis and others in Beginner posts and help to those with old Vivitars spared the heartbreak of psoriasis and worse...this is the cost to be tallied.
  10. Kodak Instamatic 500/ Xenar 2.8 manual focus/ 126 film cartridge..( 1967) . Instamatic model from a Stuttgart factory limited production
  11. Well, there comes a time when one has to say enough is too much. The community has typically had a voice. Not much evidence of that anymore. So we can't be asked to support something that shows no hint of attention to its housekeeping. Without housekeeping you get dust bunnies. And then mold. And dry rot. Someday the Building Department will say it is unhabitable. It is hard to undersand, because there is a germ of value and a need for an intelligent place that is not duplicated elsewhere that I can see. At least not one location. ( Aside to michaelinder: I always think of Wolfman when I see you avatar. Kind of fun) Lately to show the direction of the slope, even hardbitten supporters are losing their interest. But no, I do not plan to pay to subscribe when there is no latent value, even the modest fee. What are we supporting. Is there a mission. I doubt it. If I drop by the paint is peeling even more each visit...I may miss something, where, where?. It is a property and only a name medium I surmise.) .......unfaithfully yours, old Gerry
  12. GerrySiegel


  13. GerrySiegel


    Coastal ecosystem of fungi, shellfish, opihi, and seaweed and corals in the pools of lava rocks. Symbiosis to be sure.
  14. When a nice lamp comes through just barely on a rough";boat "ride to Hawaii from..NO I won't tell. but they are not so cheap on post, and still used shredded Wikilieaks docs:-) .
  15. If I want to go to full manual and pick my shutter and aperture separately and use the camera's meter to help me I know what to do. I pick M mode and I have a dial for shutter and a dial for aperture and a quasi meter in the finder to show me the direction I need to go to get an18% exposure. I usualy do not go manual expect for flash when i have some disires about letting the camera choose my shutter. For normal picture taking I uae Program S or program shift to get the array of choices to do what I need. It is Is fast and easily moved by the shift wheel. and the EC.. Never cared much for the push and switch feature even when the LCD gave a little hint that I needed to push. I think Fuji and others are sort of experimenting with what we REALLY DESIRE. So WHAT do we really desire? More reliance on the Venus Engine or a greater brionic sense of control and mastery of the beats. I go for think less and concentrate on composition and fleeting moments. And even pre set a lot of stuff for the mood and journey. I have yet to use a Fuji but they are definitely finding a market. Must be doing something that appeal. I do not agree one needs to learn to use M mode and pick everything. What is really gained I fail to appreciate. I still have a handheld meter ( analog with a dial with calibrated choices) and it is often useful when I know I do not trust any camera reading at all.
  16. I think the point that this web site content is provided free by contributors from the community is well appreciated. As the mechanics/ architecture become irritating and unpredictable, clearly it becomes harder and harder to justify the time and attention. A palpable sense that no one has a firm hand on the project. Or maybe has no support from top. Patience is great. We care.
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