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Everything posted by GerrySiegel

  1. I did a brief google check and it appears to be a Judean coin design of about the second century CE. Bar Kochba uprising days it reads. And I learned that these were frequently overstamped over Hadrian's denarii. See, political correctness begins way back :-) Must be common ancient piece to get glue to a tie pin.... Reverse mostly hidden by the (cheesy) tie clip but I can see that there are twin trumpets, another clue.... See what stuff the paths lead to Karim, life long learning bit and all..... On macro lenses with long helicoids. I have an early FD 3.5 50mm ( bought in Guam in the 1970s with a 1 to i life size adapter tube and later a FD 25 U better one which connected to the AE lever nicely) which I still also for duplicating slides on a FD auto bellows. A well made lens also, silver nose, solid like all Canon gear , but the slightly longer length of the new plastic Oly is nice and good thermoplastic and AF makes it handy for people pics too. In portraits, recall, the FF 135 mm was a real favorite for years as it was for me. I would say that the product cost is in the metal and the glass, lots of good elements and some with special properties. Deliciously luscious focus wheel. Has to be felt to appreciate.... No regrets at all. Which is not my typical style if I buy any new lens, it better get used, I got too many already and hate to sell anything I know not why. The focal limiter switch btw is something I am not familiar with yet. Sounds like a valuable item as well and time saver in the field. I have an original Novoflex focus rail from the 1960s, Nothing much like it now for the price of twenty bucks at an auction. sometime you win one, Karim. Regards from Oahu.
  2. I mostly use Panasonic zoom lenses which focus really close. Or add a diopter. Or there is an adapted Zuiko 50mm, With a current sale and great reviews on line I sprung for an Olympus 60mm mft macro lens which came in yesterday. Delightfully tiny and super light. It focuses fast and to my ears quite hushed. I would say that with 13 elements and for $400, sealed body and focus limiter not a bad deal for a prime lens of 2.8 and 120 eq focal length. In short I recommend it as one to use and maybe use a lot. For 1 to 1 cozy stuff, the first results are striking. ( I may even do some flowers some day. ) About a third of the girth of my great and well used ED 50mm and it will autofocus on Lumix bodies to my taste. Nowadays this is almost-well not quite- a bargain. A hood. Extra but I prefer a folding rubber one anyway for chump change. GX 7 with 20mm and this 60mm covers much turf in general stuff and friendly portraits. We are talking light and small let us confirm. A getaway bag to grab and go where it will add little to the day's schleppage .... It fits nicely alongside my GX 7 in a small bag with camera mounting a 20mm. Room for the FL 20 flash just in case....By the way----- I do not know what age this ancient Hebrew (?) coin on tie clasp is, but it is very tiny, just fills the mft sensor. Coin buffs , let us hear. if you care to...I think with this size I might even think MACRO even more. aloha nui
  3. Castle in baroque style in Estoril. Portugal
  4. Is there a metric that can measure degree of polarization. I do not know. Never thought about it except to notice degree of glare reduction and darkening of skies from certain directions in all Pola filters. I am lately using a B and W circular polarizer. Seems good to me. I look to other features when putting something in front of a lens, like the coating and ease of use, etc.. Never thought of the effectiveness of glare reduction / contrast enhancement. Expect that would be hard to measure objectively. A new subject for me.
  5. A note in a bottle thrown in the ocean may land on some shore. And someone may find a greeting from the late great PN. No genie.
  6. I would be interested as well. No one has all the answers. Not even most of the answers. Self confidence and management skills are often the bottom line. Everyone here probably has some of your skills. How are you doing is a good question from the Moderator. Think of it as group therapy. Get back to us if possible. Be well. Enjoying a hobby is good enough for most of us. Earning a real living is another story. Self taught? Now that is something that might earn a second look. An apprenticeship will test many things I mean. And a workshop can be fun as well whether for hobby or step towards making some cash. Parenting is likely the most difficult skill set IMO.
  7. I dare say that the convergence of sun and moon was well recorded and need no post processing I can see. You nailed it.
  8. I see no reason why a Canon FD lens can not be designed to fit the mounts you are referring to. But whether they now exist is another story. I am judging that you may need to think of another digital camera for your FD lenses. There are fortunately plenty out there. I myself have used the micro four thirds models with FD lenses. Another good brand are the Fuji models. Both have a wide range of offerings and do offer models with eye level finders--and at affordable prices. No you do not need tubes with glass. But those are offered for some benefits, and the bennies are an option at higher cost.. I suggest look at and call or write the Metabones people. I do like their adapters. It will set you back a hundred dollars but they fit the FD mount snugly and with brass and chrome mounts. Check out here: Metabones® Want a good cheap used digital. Look for a Panasonic GX 7...a winner for about four bills in 9+ shape at KEH. Link did not click but just Google Metabones company. Also B and H under FD mount to various digital cameras and then pick the one you like....
  9. So called super moon when its orbit is close. There is a sensual beauty when you have a bino mount that make the sky objects stand perfectly still for a second or too. And the bino mount can be nudged to follow the ecliptic....hotchacha..
  10. I have got decent photos of the moon by leaning against the side of my house. But if I were doing a lot of this kind of shooting, it would be my goal to do it comfortably. Waiting for clouds to disslpate. So a stool is the trick. Or go to a an astronomical club that has a clear sky location with no sodium lighjts. For stability. I like a little overkill, I bought a used Manfrotto double top leg model used. Rugged. This is the type. You can depend on solid and not too heavy to pack in a trunk. And if you get fancy, add a binocular hexagonal mount to get a side accomodation if I make myself clear. this is often called a parallelogram type mount....it is made for big binoculas but is adaptable easilty to a medium size camera. Again, sitting is the logical choice for craning to the zenith to catch the moon in its full glory....exposure is a no pain exercise. Mirrorless cameras and multiple shots do the trick. who cares what the f stop is you are stable with a good tripod and need not worry about extension wobble. I guess my point is made....come to my backyard and I will demo with a Funinon 7X50 Marine binocular with camera platform. Come in the water is fine....sit and enjoy. Get night adapted with red flashlight lens...what else? Read up on astro clubs in the neighborhood. The moon gets dull after a few months. Aloha. Another illustration of good viewing ideas not too pricey---http://www.telescope.com/Mounts-Tripods/Altazimuth-Mounts-Tripods/Orion-Paragon-Plus-Binocular-Mount-and-Tripod/c/2/sc/35/p/5379.uts
  11. What are you talking about? What is going on or is that none of our business. We all love technical support of course, Even if a new actor on the fix em up stage.. Aloha.
  12. Scale model of VW convertible circa 1959 era, about 9" long
  13. Cessna 172 by E. coast of Molokai, HI
  14. Total UVA protection sun blockers
  15. Sitting on a small light stool as mentioned will always help prevent what is called astronomer's neck. Especially when objects are close to the zenith and the moon is often clearer of clouds at higher altitude settings than lower down. I still think you need look at the Manfrotto double leg models, not that costly. Solid is my aim and experience for the solar system even if it be aluminum and heavy or used and dirty but solid. You might even want to shoot the constellations some day, right?.. Get a head that locks solid and is easy to move in azimuth as well. I like the pan models and even the cinema model. With long arm to move the camera.
  16. Having problems.... No we can't duplicate your results in peer review, so your empirical results are suspect. The customer us usually A) Wrong B) Confused C) Impatient. I only wish to add that the tone of the reply is not exactly "encouraging" to a long time member in good standing,,,who has given time ideas and help to the forums I mean Fred G. If a drastic change to a membership is needed ? to test the problem solution, why the blazes not do the thing. Sorry if I offend. I would be dyspeptic about state of affairs if I spent more time here...Something must be kerfuffled and needs major rework. Just an opinion, albeit firm one. Contracts should always be based on performance...hold any progress payments is what the Navy does.
  17. I can and often do opt for UPS Ground to Hawaii. This means truck to Riverdale or such and then by air to Hawaii another 2500 miles in the Pacific. Matson containers handle most of the merchandise in stores and the big box warehouses. I still feel there is an unexplained something in all this. Meaning my persistent mind wonders: If lithium batteries are heat prone, what size and what energy? Are all lithium batteries in the same category...it appears not. If a cel is button size it can surely not get shorted and cause sparks...though I have not experimented? If a battery does short and overheat, will it do so at all charges? At 30%? What about Ni Mh, any problem in that chemistry? inquiring minds seek to know! I mean I do not operate a Pentax K 1000. Maybe I should, but fiddle dee dee. I am awaiting Henry Posner's reply to see if he has anything to add....and whose regs are these anyway? FAA or NHTSB or the IATA? There should be a law. Is there? ( That said I do like these new Electric vehicles, like the Tesla. Hats off to new battery technology, guys)
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