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Everything posted by Larry_G1664882113

  1. Peter,  Thanks.  It is order in chaos.  Larry
  2. Larry_G1664882113

    Storm jewels!

    Laurent, Great foreground. Nice image. Larry
  3. Bjorn, You have some nice contrast and light here on the building. As Leslie said, the image is quite grungy. Do you want to lighten up the background more and reduce some of the noise? If not, the image does work well as is. This is a unique presentation. Larry
  4. Sidsel, You captured some beautiful light here. I can feel the wind in the grasses and appreciate the star effect on the sun. Excellent image. Larry
  5. Larry_G1664882113


    Laurent, Most interesting image, well seen and captured. Could this be the leading lighthouse of New Brunswick? Larry
  6. Peter, You are an excellent portrait artist here. The perspective and composition are great. Well seen and presented. Larry
  7. Glyn, This is a devil of a panorama - little humor there. You did a good job on this panorama. Getting the full curve of the bay in the image really helps. You create a nice sense of distance, and the transition colors from beach to water work well. Excellent image. Larry
  8. Denis, This is a nice wide angle shot, a panorama. The bench is key to your kiss concept. Where's the lucky couple? To me, the blow out in the sky detracts from the image some. Maybe you could crop it more without chopping into the tree. Larry
  9. Larry_G1664882113


    Bela,  The larger view displays the effectiveness of this image of vertical lines. The light is also excellent and adds nice warmth to an otherwise cold image.  Does the foreground bush add or detract from the image?  I am undecided about this.  Nice image.  Larry
  10. Larry_G1664882113

    Winter Sunset

    Sean, This is a well seen and presented image. I like the low position of the sun in contrast to the tall trees. It's a relaxing image that the bench also enhances. Nice light management as well. Congratulations on a fine creation. The only thing I'd change is the title. A fine image like this deserves more than just the frame number. Larry
  11. Steve, Thanks to you for your visit. This is a design of lines and textures. Thanks for the compliment. Larry
  12. Henry,  Thanks for weighing in on this image.  This is a view outside of our hotel window, but it does look like an archeologist's dig.  I appreciate your thumbs up.  Larry
  13. George, You are right. It is the land of confusion, but a wonderful venue for anyone's vacation - especially Bogota. Larry
  14. Leslie, Thanks for your thorough analysis of this image. I originally left it out of my collection of Colombia images, but decided that it deserved PN subscribers' perusal. Larry
  15. Alain, Thanks for your visit. This image brings together the story of Candelaria, the oldest neighborhood in Bogota. The levels of construction materials along with the graffiti and old colonial buildings tell the tale. Larry
  16. Larry_G1664882113


    Here's the image. Larry
  17. Larry_G1664882113


    Madeleine, Viewed large, I appreciate the detail in the trees and snow. I want to get to Whitewater on a future trip. We have a couple of the resort's cookbooks. I tinkered with this image adding a ND filter to reduce the exposure on the sky and add separation and detail to the mountain. Does it work for you? Happy New Year. Larry
  18. Larry_G1664882113


    There is wonderful detail in this image when viewed large, but it is a bit dark for my viewing. I'd spend some time with editing this in software. Nice capture. Larry
  19. Larry_G1664882113


    John, Great color in this eye-opener. You may be a bit over sharpened. Notice the chromatic aberration at the top of the hills in the background? You can probably deal with this. Your beach images - you get the candids - are terrific. Larry
  20. Larry_G1664882113


    Mark, You scored well at Death Valley. This wide angle view really defines the crater in its desert surround. Excellent light. Great capture. Larry
  21. Large view preferred for detail. Shapes, textures, or clutter? All are part of the design in this Bogota cityscape in the historic Candelaria barrio. I saw layers of history among the bricks. Your comments are appreciated. Thanks. Larry
  22. Larry_G1664882113

    The View

    © © 2017 Larry Greenbaum, All Rights Reserved

  23. Mark, Excellent rendition of a wonderful iconic landscape. I can feel myself standing at the top[ of the hill shooting this as I've been there. Light and color management make this image speak. I also like the shooting angle; it's neither right at the Panamint Range, nor directly at the eroded rocks. Works well - well seen and created. Larry
  24. Sarah,  How did I miss this when you first posted it?  This is lovely.  The composition is terrific and selective focus works well.  The key to this image is its simplicity.  You excellent management of the light and astute vision with the duotone colors are outstanding.  Happy New Year.  Larry
  25. Sarah,  Thanks for looking at my images and for your comment.  It's nice to revisit older images this way.  I enjoyed seeing your image as well.  Happy New Year.  Larry
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