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Everything posted by Larry_G1664882113

  1. Larry_G1664882113


    Peter, I take back what I said about the ND filter as i look at the details of the image. Sorry. Your capture of the motion in the falls and exposure level is excellent. I notice that you used an ND filter. You capture the falls well, and the blast of water in front displays this natural wonders' power. Well done. Larry
  2. Mario, This is cold, but the red in the sky adds some nice warmth and mood to the image. I can feel the numbness in your fingers as you work with your shutter and camera settings. Nicely done. Larry
  3. Larry_G1664882113


    Peter, You capture the power of the falls well. Nice exposure and shutter speed on the falls gives it real life, and the blast of water in the air shows the power. I like the image as it is, but might experiment with opening detail and light in the foreground on the water and dark cliff on the right. I might also try an ND filter to darken the sky a bit. Nicely done. Larry
  4. Leslie, This certainly lights up the New Year. Hope it is a good one for you. Excellent image. Larry
  5. Colin, Excellent image. I agree with the others comments. I might try a little more contrast too - in the foreground rocks. Larry
  6. Colleen, The clarity, color, and composition in this image are wonderful. The horizontal lines and three colors in the sky contrast with the vertical lines in the buildings to create a most successful and artistic image. This is great. Congratulations. Larry
  7. Jerry, Excellent sunset. Will you be printing this image on paper? It could be tough getting the color details and separation in the dark areas of the image. Wonderful color in this image. Larry
  8. Larry_G1664882113

    winter ...

    Another of your gems in pink. Lovely. Larry
  9. Colin, Wonderful image with nice mood. Viewing it large really helps. Larry
  10. Larry_G1664882113

    Brook in winter

    Marco, This is a lovely eye-grabber. The jagged green edges create nice contrast as well as define the shape of the image. Would you want to crop the red part from the top? Is the red a bit distracting to the image as a whole? Nice eye here. Larry
  11. Wonderful, Sam. The sky is great with its color and sense of movement. While I like the image as it is, I'd consider cropping up to the first black area in the foreground just to force a more panoramic look. This would just be an experiment made from a duplicate image. This really pops and is not harsh. Well done. Larry
  12. Larry_G1664882113

    Smokies valley 1

    Nicely done, Jerry. What hat? I missed it. I like the vertical composition and the variances and repetition in the trees. I'd desaturate the bright green tree in the foreground as I think the color here is incongruent with the image. Nice image. Larry
  13. Mark, The larger view is needed to appreciate the detail and textures you have captured. Nice image. I see at least two images here. The lighter tan rocks in the middle just about the dry stream have an intriguing shape. I kind of see a cat here. I think this area of the image could be made into an image in itself, creating an interesting abstract-like image. Nice image as you have it. Did you have to hike far to get to this spot? Larry
  14. Tony, What a drive! The curve does it. Great composition with great light. Larry
  15. Michael, You nailed it. It's the softness of the mountains in the distance that make the image for me. Thanks for your observation and visit. Larry
  16. Larry_G1664882113

    winter time :)

    Katarzyna, You are a master of the fog. Beautiful moody image. Larry
  17. Madeleine, Wonderful composition. The tree in the center surrounded by the people is an effective compositional element. I'd likely eliminate the bare trunk branch sticking up at the top. Nice image. Larry
  18. Tony, Beautiful!. To me this image works because of the lines in the mountains and the amazing light. i'd love to see Yukon Territory. Nice image. Larry
  19. Eystein, Yes, I think most PN images need a larger view to capture detail and texture. Actually, this is a pretty drab image in color. Jim Downs on PN pointed out a long time ago that average images in color can make good B&Ws. This was such a try. I appreciate your visit. Larry
  20. George, On this one, I fully agree with you that much is in the processing. Thanks for weighing in on this image. Larry
  21. Tony, I appreciate your kind comments. It's fun to revisit old images with a new and more experienced look. Larry
  22. Alf, Thanks for you visit and revisit. Calibrated monitors are important. I use Spyder5 Elite and calibrate every two weeks. This is an old image, I did not think much of. The other day I decided to reprocess it in B&W. I appreciate your comments. Larry
  23. Larger view needed for detail. This is an oldie, shot in 2007. The scene is communicated better in B&W without heavy contrast. There was nice mist in the distance. Your impressions are appreciated. The Chiracaua range is in southeastern Arizona not far from the New Mexico border. Thanks for your comments. Larry
  24. © © 2017 Larry Greenbaum, All Rights Reserved

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