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Image Comments posted by dangoldman


    very nice. Good tight composition, prop blur (almost full circle!), and very interesting light. Surprised i hadnt seen this before.oh, and its a spitfire, and i can recall only photography having ever found a bad angle on her :)...
  1. Great to see these new photos man. This one, as is the rest of your portfolio, excellent. This experiment, i assume you did this on purpose rather than having to make due with low light, came out perfect.



    Walking out of a shelter at a bird sanctuary in Israel - 70-200 still

    attached, this girl in broken english, asked me to take her picture.

    Never got an email address or anything, fairly random on the whole...


    Comments and critique are welcome.

  2. very nice. The mountains in the background is an interesting element instead of trees or clouds... The cool, but still contrasting colors, of the airplane v. BG are great. The crystal clear burners and heat waves are a gimme for this photo being awesome, goes without saying. Well done. Very nicely timed for composition/height.



    not happy with the way i composed this, i feel like there is too much

    space above her head, but i dont want to crop and lose the left and

    right edges of the frame.


    Critique is welcome

  3. note, im doing this on a uncalibrated laptop monitor, they tend to mess up the shadows... but, i might darken the longest exposure a slight touch, the trees and hills in the background dont look quite right. But, that could be due to the high gamma of this thing (gotta find the calibration tool... new computer).


    im going to try a vertical or square crop, as i think you may be right. I think i might also boost the contrast some. Thanks for the critique.


    well done. Good composition, and excellent job conveying the desolation that this animal somehow calls home. Im viewing this on an uncalibrated laptop screen, but to my eye it looms like it could use some more contrast. No idea what it "really"looks like though,.



    can't believe this has no comments. Well done August, perfect symmetry and while i still immediately recognized this as a Corsair, it still retains an excellent abstract quality thanks to the tonality of the image. Never seen an image with so much blown out, work so perfectly with the rest of the image. Great graduation between the blue of the plane to the highlights, good thing this was film! And, its one angle, let alone light, i dont think i've shot...


    I cannot decide whether the bit of red right infront of the stb side of the canopy adds a bit of contrasting color, or is a distraction. That is the only flaw i can find with the entire image.


    (btw, i feel like if i shot this, i'd have some strange blue halos around various points, particularly the canopy, any idea why i'd get that and why you didnt? )



    yeah, there is more than one reason this isnt in the critique pool (since it so badly needs a critique...). A friend actually pointed out that the my dad's bike had the same coloring as the plane. Been waiting close to two years to take this picture and i will have to do it again, maybe again after that too...


    I have been toying with how to take this picture and visualizing it in different ways and i just can't seem to figure out a way to do it properly. I wanted a just before sundown/just after for a dark blue, but not quite black, sky. However, especially when viewing on my high gamma laptop screen, those airport lights are really harsh! I used the hangar light as well as popping my flash at various points (especially the bike engine) to even it out (30sec exposure). I suppose being lower would help with the lights by the dorsal, but then the windshield will overlap with the door window with the bike in the current position...


    Cutting a wingtip does not bother me, however the bike does blend in too much with the plane. I just cant figure out where to put the d*mn thing! I think that if i put it by the left wing, front wheel facing the nose, it may be too far away to have the impact that i want. Perhaps a telephoto could help there, shoot from farther back. Its just so hard moving stuff around and that window of getting a dark blue sky does not last very long.


    I believe that your question, while not only taking after a similar question as August Horvath a couple years ago, is very poignant: what is my goal/point and in looking at this picture, i dont know what i had in mind. Thinking now, i want to show the beauty of both machines. The sleekness of the plane, the intricacies of the bike, and the similar coloring of both.


    School is done, and i start at RWU in August (it figures, i will go to Newport and then Mass for two dinghy regattas, drive the boat home, then somehow get back up to school the following week or week after to start...)


    Hope your summer is going well too!


  4. August is spot on. And, i think you have one part of an airplane i hadnt ever thought to shoot before! The saturated red looks like it was dialed up some, maybe a notch past where i would have put it... As for the sun spot, im not sure. If it wasnt there, it might be a completely different picture because of where sun had to be for the rest of the picture. Its a little distracting, but, then again, its part of the picture. Its not something i would PS at all though. But, if you can go back to reshoot this particular plane, it might be neat to try it at a different time when the spot isnt there.
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