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Image Comments posted by dangoldman

    Kawasaki Ninja

    a shutter speed 1-2clicks lower wouldnt have freezed the wheel... always a tradeoff for risking overall motion blur, but it will mask the treads in the wheel... Otherwise, great shot, well timed and good composition.

    Grand Lookout


    i am looking at this now on my home monitor, a CRT that is at least sort of balanced (though a little dark, on purpose.. due to the number of people that have complained over the years that my photos were too dark when posted to pnet...anyways).


    It looks a lot better now, the colors seem more... concise... more accurate. The blue cast is still there, but that is an artifact of saturation and i think just the distance. I would still try to drop it back some (single channel adjustment on the blue and cyan channels, for saturation, and possibly curves too), but it seems better on a better monitor. go figure. The composition im still not sold on, but with the better colors, it seems to stand a lot better as im looking at the picture more for composition than colors now. The clouds to the left seem to balance well with the branch, giving a circular path to follow through the frame, culminating with the river and the canyon.


    i looks a little flat and blueish on my monitor. The colors dont match the intensity of the horse running... I think that if you drop back the blue channel some, the midtones and some shadows, increase contrast and saturation, it may "pop" a lot better. Aside from that, this is a great photo, sharp, interesting, and full of power. Well done.



    So i should do a bit of intentional Vignetting then? will give it a shot.


    I dont recall if i had a polariser on, but it certainly looks that way. Cant remember if this was the year, but one of the shows i shot one evening about 90% of the time with a polarsier... Been so long since i last shot an airshow that i had to start going through the computer to find stuff i hadnt posted yet...


    Are you going to do Oshkosh this year? my dad and i are talking about maybe getting out there this year, would be the first time since i was about 10 or so...



    not as sharp as i would have liked, but i still think the image

    conveys something to the viewer.


    Taken in a Shook, open air market, in Israel.


    nicely done. The well defined clouds add a good bit of punch to the composition. I would note however that there appears to be a slight blue cast to this photo. I should note that im on a laptop monitor thats been showing some weird stuff lately, but, i would check your histogram at least. I would drop the middle to upper end of the blue curve and see what it does.

    Grand Lookout


    small compositionally errors can be fixed in PP by cropping. I once moved an airplane over a whole 1/3 of a frame by cloning the sky from one side and pasting it on the other... i dont think i ever posted it though, no longer phtography eh. But, cropping can work. Shooting a landscape with a foreground object, that is not the subject, can be very hard. Sometimes you want the interest, sometimes you want it to lead into the frame, etc. Here, its confusing what your point is, is it the canyon, or the tree? At sunset, the focus could very easily be on the tree, little more centered, etc, and the canyon working more as context than the subject. But i know where you're coming from with not being able to go back. Believe, the number of my own photos that i've gone back and taken a second look and said "what the f*k was i thinking" or "wow, if only i had..." is quickly growing to the same number of photos i already have, if you see what im saying... thats what makes photography fun.


    color is a very hard thing to correct sometimes. Shooting with film and then working with it in a digital workflow helps with seeing a color cast fairly quick, because the initial image is often just a bit off, compared to digital which is often fairly close. This laptop monitor is also not very good, and being as bright as it is, also makes color casts more apparent. As far fixing the color cast with white balance, it could be done, maybe, by working with the color wheel. The temperature seems about right, maybe a touch too cold, but, its good enough. I tend to work more with curves than white balance, and leave my camea on AWB unless shooting indoors. I dont know about your camera, but mine is usually close enough on AWB unless shooting in a gym, with flourecent lights a daylight balanced flash... the only time its ever been right in those conditions was when i borrowed an "ExpoDisc".


    Have fun with photography, i'll take a look at some of your other images.

    Grand Lookout


    let me preface this by saying im on my laptop monitor, and as such a lot of things look out of wack compared to my semi calibrated CRT back home.



    There appears to be a slight blue cast in this photo. I would remedy that with curves by dropping the middle to upper end of the blue curve down a little bit, and maybe take some of the green curve half as much, but, not editing the photo myself, i dont know if editing the green curve would be necessary.


    compositionally, im unsure about the tree. I like to use a foreground object like that, but it can be hard to do right. I kind of wonder if using a short telephoto (which by virtue of being back farther, would mean you'd probably have had to raise your eyepoint some... cars serve two purposes if you can get it close enough - never driven to the grand canyon. I like the idea, but not sure about how you executed it, or how i would execute it. Shooting at sunrise or sunset, giving an orange glow to the tree, would help give it more interest be there.

    Imm. Bald Eagle


    surprised the rebel kept up with the bird! suppose the AF has gotten substantially better since my old XT/350D.


    Very well done here. The who picture has a whole peaceful feel to it - the light, colors, smooth water... but then there is the power of the eagle.

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