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Image Comments posted by dangoldman

    The Aviators


    the colors definitely have a "tweaked" apearence to them, which i suppose in this situation is ok. I would however be worried about using this on a album cover because you now have left yourself enough room to crop this to square. Personally speaking, i can relate to the makeshift studio setup, so i can relate to it on that note (pun intended, i suppose).

  1. Very neat photo. Unfortunately i think i'd be arrested for it here in the US, but this is very well done. I trust that on a calibrated monitor (which this laptop monitor is not) that the foreground black is a true black, and not very dark gray? Great to see that there is actually someone on this board who is still shooting film too.

  2. Very cool. Do you think that it would be possible/allowed to walk in/get dropped off? I suppose i could ask at some point, but if you were just there i figure you may know. I've been there once before in the summer. Unfortunately we were very pressed for time and couldnt really give Yellowstone the time it deserves and mostly only did the typical tourist stuff. I did however get some great pictures of the Mountain Goats at the south-east exit (bear tooth notch road, may have the wrong compass bearing) who were also very unafraid of me. Cant wait to go back at some point.

  3. where in yellowstone did you get this? and how? road side and got lucky? snowmobile/guided tour? im hoping to get to yellowstone (again) with the purpose of getting wild life photos at some point in the next couple years. I figured the place was pretty inaccessible in the winter, but maybe not...



    Very nicely done, though. The snow on its nice, the look, the deep powder, and the bleakness of the scene really make this photo for me. Love the subtle tones.

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