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Image Comments posted by dangoldman


    Shame the weather didnt cooperate here. However, it does appear a little soft. I would see if you could get any more detail through sharpening, or it might just be a touch OOF.

    Grand Heron

    I disagree. There's something about this GBH photo that makes it a bit more distinict than the rest, though. I guess its the reeds. maybe i've just been away from shooting birds for too long though.... Anyway, nice picture. Good colors, tones, and detail. The square crop and composition are good as well.


    Beautiful. Well done. Great composition, bokeh, and timing. You have to wonder though, why the heck did he land up there instead of a horizontal branch....


    Pretty colors. Head looks a touch dark though, would like to see a little more detail around the eye. Dont make it obvious, just a tiny little bit. Great composition and colors as is. Interesting dynamics in the water as well, really adds a lot of interest and dynamics to an already excellent photo.

    Golden Eagles


    One of these years i think i might have to come to Norway and shoot with you...


    Nothing can really be said here that isnt already obvious or already said, so, nicely done.


    Thats always a pleasing view... if you;re the FG boat. I like the implied markrounding, the action in the pit (jib sheet going to final trim, pitgril doing final trim up on halyards, and the grinder getting the WW winch ready for the next tack). Well done. Great timing/composition.



    Certainly not the photo i was hoping to get, atleast with this amount

    of motion blur. Was looking down changing a setting (probably brought

    the ISO down...dont remember anymore) and at the exact moment i

    brought the camera up to my eye he took off. So, a bit of

    underexposure and lots of blur, the talons and meal seemed to have

    stayed reasonably sharp though, considering.



    On my monitor this is a silhouette. On looking at this image on some

    LCD's, i have found the gamma to be so high as to ruin that effect. If

    you are viewing this on an uncalibrated monitor, please keep in mind

    what i intended this image to look like.

  1. And yet people still contest that film is nothing in the face of digital...


    This is absolutely beautiful. Every delicate detail is clear even this small size. The full size scan/projection/print must be spectacular.

  2. Great photo. Spray always adds a bit of action eh? Im not sure what it is with sailing photos and reds, but they just seem to always look off... (have had to clean up a couple of mine, and just commented on someone else's sailing photo where they had red on). Otherwise, very nice photo, sharp, beautiful colors broken up by the reds.


    very nice composition with the cityscape behind the jib.. Whats with that jib though?...God that thing looks ancient... or atleast ancient design.... Great looking boat though.
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