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Image Comments posted by dangoldman

  1. Although i have never used a flash for bird photography, it probably would have worked here i think too. But, then, it might not have looked natural anyway.


    Either way, beatutiful colors and not a run of the mill bird photo. Great timing and shutter speed to get some tip blur. The melody of warm colors makes this a pretty pleasing picture to look at.

  2. im looking and looking... but i just cant seem to find a plane in here?...


    Beautiful composition and colors. The predominant greens, shadows, and slight touches of blue make this an interesting picture in combination with the composition. I have to wonder though, would film had handled the brighter lit area to the right better?,,,



    Thanks for the comments!


    Yeah, the antlers were an unfortunate mistake. I normally dont get hung up on them, but it would have been so easy to keep them in if i was paying attention.



    Martin, if you like the expression there you should see some of the others in the folder, make me laugh every time i see them.



    Very difficult shoot with only available light and ISO 64 Kodachrome.

    Most photos in this series shot at 1/15 and 1/8. My objective was to

    depict a day at a Philadelphia cheese-steak shop.


    Critique is welcome.

  3. Well done. I like the grittiness and harsh contrast back away from the bell, with the clarity of the reflection in the bell. The lack of detail from the light and DOF with the smoothness in the bell really draws your eye into the point of the image. From there, the strong diagonal of the main form of the trumpet can draw your eye into the rest of the image explore some of intricacies in the instrument. The overall redglow reflecting off the flag onto the rest of the instrument is interesting, because you have to think for a second to figure out what is going on.



    I like the abstract, though simplistic, composition here. You are shown enough of the plane to know what it is, and no more. An expert might be able to name it from this, but i can't. The detail and the clouds is what makes it for me though; there is nothing lost in them at all. I think it was their clarity that drew me to view this picture first. I also like your timing of the clouds, as im sure you waited for them to get to the precise spot compositionally before you fied the shutter. The clouds in combination with the plane make this a nicely balanced photo. Back to the simplicity again, i like how it allows you to focus on details of the plane that might have otherwise been unnoticed. Details such as the lines in the skin around the ribs, aerial and its shadow, and the interesting reflections at various points on the airplane. The not quite BW but not quite (dramtically) toned 'coloring' of the image makes it all the more pleasing to look at, very soft on the eye.


    Well done.


    Thanks Darin. This is by far one of my favorite images i've ever taken; and when people ask me why i shoot film, this is where i take them. Strangely though, i havent gotten a good wetroom print of this... go figure.



    Darin, thanks again for a thorough critique. I will dig around in the computer and see if i cant find an angle like the one you've suggested; i probably have it (though probably on digital, and frankly, it doesnt look as good here).


    As for a 20X30 print? No, but it is on the short list. I dont think this will hold up well to enlargement though, being shot on Sensia 100, i'm not sure how much it could handle. 12X16 might be the max.



    Thanks Darin, great to get a real critique like that!


    Ditto on the clipping of the mast... but, to my defense, its hard shooting a 3d subject from a 3d platform :) . Will experiment with some panoramic crops and see what i can get.


    I also have a series i shot last week that has a couple of similar photos; i dont think the water looked quite as cool though. I'll try and get them posted over the next couple of days.


    Beautiful image. Definitely my style, detailed, to the point, and no distracting background (atleast as best can be hoped for at an airshow). I love the tonality and dynamics in the metal and the clouds being that distinct is a really nice touch. Red filter?


    Wow, thats sharp! I like this one better than the other 18 photo, i think the timing with the sun hitting it through the clouds is a bit better here and it just pops so good!



    i dont think i've ever seen one of them before? How long have they been in service? Bet its loud...



    Nice composition, but did you use the shadow/highlight tool? Love the definition in the exhaust heat. The clarity of the clouds is what really makes this shot. Blue skies are nice... for a while!


    Sure! just look at the AOA between the 3... Since the Mustang is nearly wide open, while they are cut way back, it creates one of the coolest sounds i've ever heard; with the P51 being nearly loud than the 2jets its flying with.
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