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Image Comments posted by d_gillespie

    Dog Walk

    I really like this perspective and the lighting is nice for a sunset/ sunrise walk. I really do care for the very large signature in the bottom of the image. If you have to advertise, its a simple matter to place a frame and have your signature outside the boundaries of the image. Nice picture, poor decision.

    Nature's colors

    Intense colors to say the least. I think the foreground log in the water may need some counter-point or balancing elements. The signature is way to big, let the image speak for you.

    Cebras Grevy III


    You have really caused a lot of trouble for all of us amateur picture takers. The iconic shot of a zebra is required for every nature photographer who wants to be taken seriously. It used to be as simple as heading to the local zoo and raising our camera up to snap a couple of frames of the local beasts. We print them on nice paper hang them on the wall and everybody thinks we are pros. Now what are we supposed to do?

    Great shot, really makes us all work that much harder.

    Wedding Dress

    This is a beautiful concept and composition. Having a family member (who makes wedding gowns) would make sure I shot from the other side so the zipper pull would not show. On a button up dress there is no zipper. The puckering of the fabric along the zipper and the dart could be smoother as well. Tiny criticisms for a lovely picture.
  1. Nice composition and tonal range. My first impression was the scene was slightly tilted but I am think this is more of an optical illusion instead of a shifter vertical alignment. The far center mountain does go a little muddy in contrast to the sharp contrast of the foreground trees. Mostly a distance issue I think. Another small thought, on an otherwise nice image, would be to darken the sky to reveal more to the clouds.


    Excellent capture, I am wondering if the framing and or cropping might change the shot. The space to the left and right of the subjects face seems in conflict with the cropping of the head and chin. Any thoughts to a vertical orientation?

    Morning Bird

    Welcome to PN. If you haven't taken the opportunity to look at many of the highly rated nature and bird photographs I would suggest you take a look. There are many fine examples of shot similar to the one you have attempted here. Several suggestions: get to know your camera well enough to take this picture without thinking, work on developing your eye for composition, look at different angles from which to shoot this type of picture and make sure the focus is tight when shooting this type of scene. Best of luck.

    Big Eyes

    The whites are a little blown out on the shoulder and shirt. I think the image is perfect for BW, but the tonal range needs some work, as well as the contrast.


    This is an image that is well suited for some HRD manipulation. I have seen several images similar to this one where details of the inside of the covered bridge were brought out and the background remained as colorful and saturated. There are folks who have achieved something similar by manipulating the curves functions in some of the PP software. Enjoyable composition, I would like some tighter focus on the central house, it seems the focus is on the boards near the end of the bridge.


    The mannequin in the center is striking, but the inclusion of the large sign behind here and out of focus really takes away from some of the intrigue. At first glance we may think the subject is real, but the fuzzy sign quickly takes away that illusion. I suggest reshooting or cropping with just the plastic chicks.


    The focus and image noise that are coming through hurt this very simple image. I think it might be worth shooting tighter headshots, with that hair color and those eyes, it should be striking.


    As a portrait we mean the instrument? The idea seems solid, simple even stark with the female subject, soft curves of the instrument (bass violin?) but the decision to crop her head and to have the naked leg wander off frame and also be cropped may not be the most supportive decisions for this shot. I like the contrast of the monochromatic stone and the wood and skin tones, I feel the framing/ cropping choices were not the best.
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