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Image Comments posted by d_gillespie


    The scene is strong and the opportunity to capture a great image. I wonder about the choice to stay so far away. I might have enjoyed the photograph with out any people. If the area is close I would like to see other shots.


    I really like this stylistic portrait. With the blinds open it is typical for the light to blast the subject but you have controlled it nicely. The tone range is terrific and the natural pose from a very serious businessman is respectful. Nice work.


    Such a strong tree, I would like to see a bit brighter color. Maybe you can figure out how to control the sun. Let me know if you do. I like the composition.
  1. There are quite a few strong elements here to work with. I would encourage another visit to this site (if that is feasible) to see what other angles and framing might strengthen this collection of subjects. It is a little disconnected and I am having a bit of trouble with a story this image is trying to tell. You may also wish to see how the scene would be in black and white. Best of luck.


    Enjoyable image. I think I might suggest re-framing or cropping the lower left portion to avoid the pier edge. Water quality, and light are first rate.


    Very nice shot with a few distractions. The leaves are nice but their placement in relation to the model are distracting. The one near her face does not strengthen this shot. The ones behind her hair are also not helping. I think your lighting is very soft and natural.
  2. Powerful and strong image. I think all of the post production alterations pushed this image in a good direction, just don't let it get away from you. I may suggest the light under the bridge takes away some of the strong dark base you have created. The inclusion of the banner is critical.


    I like the harsh coldness of this image. I do get the feeling that someone pulled the drawers out just for this picture, they're too regular. If so then documentary may not be the right forum. If not, then its a nice shot and I am way too picky.


    Soft expressive face and a nice choice for the hand tinted look. I am a little distracted by the horizontal band of color over her right shoulder. I might suggest a tighter frame or crop to really let those eyes do their thing.


    Beautiful girl, nice tonal range, average composition and image. You have great raw materials, keep pushing. Don't shoot ordinary. Go in very tight on her face, let the background fade away - the clutter doesn't help you. The texture of the tree against the softness of her hair may be all you need.


    This type of stop action is very challenging. Your subjects are framed well but the background has so much visual graffiti it distracts from the moment. I would like to see a bite more sharpness on the focusing, but to rephrase, "this ain't so easy".
  3. I like the interesting POV (point of view) but the image is over exposed. I could see this as a more successful image with a black and white approach. The large mass of pinkish brick work really makes metering this shot challenging. I think a different sun angle may help too.

    Walking alone

    I really like the composition. I would enjoy a bit more tonal range,it has a little too much contrast for my eye - the nearly white sky is taking away from a nice balance. I would love to see the central subject in sharper focus.
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