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Image Comments posted by d_gillespie


    Beautiful specimen but the background color takes some of the impact away from this nice image. The soft lighting works for me, but I think it could be stronger.


    I really like the composition and DOF. With a stationary bird the focus should be more accurate, its pretty soft at the beak and feathers. I am also seeing some white specks below the birds tail.


    With an image like this with so many vertical elements in regular spacing it is a real compositional challenge. Being almost in the center can be more distracting that being off center by enough to ensure it was planned. I would suggest that the alignment is so close it is worth a return to shot a second time and get it completely true, or move enough to one side to give a different perspective.

    Lindsey 1

    The composition is excellent and I like the saturated color. I wonder if a very tightly focused image would have the same emotion or atmosphere? If the subject were tight and the sea were outside the depth of field it may be an interesting comparison.


    It is exceptionally difficult to shoot at the sun and achieve any success, bravo, this image works for several reason, composition, color, balance I assume learned through experience. I really have only one criticism and that is the framing and the artist's signature, I just don't care for this distraction. Nice work.
  1. I guess the question for me is about the lamp post, vertical, shops and the lens flare? I like the composition but what is not interesting - to me - are the shops at the bottom. With the challenge of maintain a vertical datum with a very tall building there have to be compromises. I tend to like the lamp post as a balance to the building, I don't care for the lens flare. Interesting.

    in here

    The expressions are very good, I would like to see the light levels up just a bit especially the faces and judging from the pipe on the wall behind the boy, the vertical alignment is off a bit, or the wide angle lens has cause this.
  2. I almost didn't notice the three subjects on the right side. If they are important, and by the title I assume they are, should they be given a little more attention? I also think the angle of this shot could be lower.


    This almost looks like a travel snapshot where you can show people where you had lunch or what your hotel looked like. The empty bench and light post have some potential to tell a story but the trees and building are too strong and those simple objects can't compete with that much "noise". The face of the limestone building on the left is a little overexposed near the top. Perhaps this might work better with different framing or cropping.


    This is definitely one for the "How did they do that?" folder. I am guessing bicycles, no they would be smoother, people walking? or maybe lots of underpaid photographic assistants with flashlights.
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