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Image Comments posted by d_gillespie


    Don't abandon the color work. Your problem (not a problem at all) is the scene has been introduced to us as BW and the color is startling in comparison. Because it was a memorable shot in BW I was able to decide what shade of blue the sky was. I also had imagined the water color more greenish. That's the great thing about BW, we have to bring something of ourselves to images. I liken it to expecting a cola and taking a sip of iced tea. We expect one thing and are surprised when we receive something else. Not worse, different. Keep shooting and we will keep looking.


    I am wondering about the collage idea. It appears that both images are bold and could stand on their own merits. Why did you choose to combine them?


    In such a nice location the composition is a bit weak for me. I believe the subject deserves more attention and perhaps a bit more illumination. The entasis of the column is exaggerated by the lens and not very pleasing.

    Buggle call

    It appears that the shot may be improved by zooming in on the Gothic window opening. The limestone, blue glass and bugle bell might make an interesting, if not abstract composition. I would also like to see much sharper focus, not PS sharpening, the glass kind. Interesting subject.


    You have captured the moment well, technically the image is a wreck on many levels. There is no information about the camera used so I can only judge what is presented. It appears to be a self developed, self printed and scanned BW image. I would suggest that if the negative is clean, and well focused you should try and reprint this shot.

    Milk spirit I

    This doesn't work for me a several levels. I think a photographer should respect the time investment their viewer makes by presenting work that is worthy of that expense. I am looking for images that reward, challenge, inspire even anger me, but I don't want to be bored. If this is too harsh I apologize in advance.

    One Tree Hill

    The composition is first rate. I believe that during various time of the day this scene will be dramatically different due to the light and sky conditions. The foreground tree has hints of the last light of the day giving it a glow. I would enjoy seeing this is strong sunlight or maybe with the mountains and sky just a bit brighter. I hope this is your backyard,if not I wish it were mine.


    With all of the horizontal lines moving off to the right it is an interesting choice to frame the shot vertically. I think a little closer to the subject might reveal a nice face and more expression. The elements are there.


    Fall is the time for digital cameras. I would like to see some adjustments to the frame or POV to move the two white signs, the brown one center bottom and wait for the car to move out of frame too. Beautiful rich colors


    With the large number of pictures posted here of a single bright flower with some drops of water nicely focused it is great to see an example of how that assignment can be taken to a new level. This may have been processed in PS or completely in the camera, no matter its a great composition. Nice colors, balance, tone range and visual appeal.


    To me, without all of the PS work you have captured a classic black and white photographers assignments. To be taken seriously as a Photographer we are all required to shoot a zebra in perfect focus, depth of field and full tonal range. You have that, I don't think the PS makes it stronger.
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