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Image Comments posted by d_gillespie


    Excellent BW image. I am wondering about the decision to rotate the framing of the subjects? I suggest that a straight on shot may have been equally successful.

    Golden forest

    Its all there, but, the focus is taking away from an original image. I would make this spot for a return visit and really work on depth of field and tack sharp focus. Graceful framing keeps the viewers eyes circling.

    Outside The Box

    I like the brilliant colors here, but I am waving my hands to try and get that plant stem/ vine thingie out of the frame. I think you might have more success working on your composition, the elements are there, just find the correct POV and keep shooting.

    Escape Artist

    What a great moment in time. The position of both subjects is great. The overworking of the image is regrettable. This shot deserves more tonal range and balance. It becomes too muddy and looses my attention. All of the background elements are taking away from a classic parent child moment.
  1. Not to often do we get this type of opportunity. The angle of the ice and the ships rigging reinforce each other. I am sure the sky was complete overcast and the digital folks may encourage a bit of tweaking to punch up the red and to darken the sky. I think that may loose some of the feeling of cold this image expresses. It would be desirable to have the crew a little brighter, they seem to blend together a little.
  2. The image has great potential. I think you captured the light perfectly. I am tempted to suggest cropping or re-framing the image in an exaggerated landscape format to lengthen the bridge. I enjoy the bridge taking the viewer from the known, right edge to the unknown disappearing int he distance.


    Your time was well spent. This rule breaker (main subject dead center of the frame) shows with careful planning and composition the rules can be manipulated for good effect. The small stray cloud on the left middle sky keeps bugging me, but I still enjoy the photograph very much.

    Fire woods

    Drying wood that has begun to turn a silvery color can make a fantastic subject for a black and white or in this case sepia and white image. I would hope for some darker tones to give the shot some tonal bottom. Also advancing the POV and filling the frame with the split wood might also be interesting. I like the quality of light captured here and the focus is tight. Try some adjustments to get a real dark tone, and try other shades of brown or black.
  3. I am wondering if this is the strongest orientation for this powerful image. I assume its a color image on a very monochromatic day. The ocher wave splash is the only strong indication of color, perhaps it could stand to be a BW image.

    Avery Rose

    Oh, to have the chance to capture that expression! Her face is more than enough. All of the distractions don't help tell the story, her face is all you need. The darkness on the bears side of the image draws too much attention. This is candidate for some creative cropping. Your focus should be on her bright eyes, and not her hand. Keep taking pictures of this subject, she a natural.

    lone tree

    I don't want to be trivial but, you framed the image with the tree in the center, ok, interesting choice but then you take away from this strong composition and distract the view by the choice of a frame and then you selected to place your © signature on the lower right. I am also noticing a horizontal line where the gradd changes color almost at the bottom of the frame that also takes away from a strong initial idea. The simple image is enough, don't complicate such a strong idea.

    Fall Color




    I find this a strong image, the colors are vibrant. It is challenging to see in B/W. I struggle with it like so many others. Glad to review any other work if requested. Keep shooting.



    Interesting subject, loads of visual texture. Nice ambient lighting, average image. So much potential here, its unfortunate to see such an ordinary photograph. Push harder, change your point of view, change the image frame. Keep working, keep shooting.


    I think this gives the feeling of motion that so many other images fail to capture. I would be interested in seeing a stop action shot to get a sense of the grass being overwhelmed with water. But, then again maybe not, the image is strong enough to stand alone.


    When the subject is bands of mountains in the smoke, fog, clouds or mist there can be no distractions. On my monitor I am picking up at least three small sky objects, two on the right side above the mountain and on top center. Please keep capturing these types of images and understand the fewer elements in an image the more scrutiny the viewers will apply. Keep shooting.

    Costa del Sud

    I enjoy the space this shot expresses. I wonder if other framing ideas may also strengthen this shot. Consider reducing the amount of sky? Maybe framing to an exaggerated landscape format.


    Nice soft tone poem. I have been moving a white card up and down over the foreground grass to see if I might suggest a crop. I am leaning toward cropping. The small group of red trees makes this a much stronger picture and gives my eyes a place to go back to as I enjoy this image.
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