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Everything posted by BrianS1664879711

  1. <p>One other thing you may want to be aware of before discussions with either clergy or the client is the difference between a professional photog at a wedding and at other sacramental events, like baptism, confirmation, and First Eucharist.</p> <p>Weddings and funerals are essentially private events. Both are sacramental and involve the Mass, but they are not part of the regular communal worship... as are the other sacraments mentioned. For that reason professional photogs are discouraged so the emphasis on the sacramental nature is maintained and the communal worship aspect is not impacted. Also, there is often an "equity" issue. No individual is special... they all are special at this time so a professional hired for one may cause grief a certain amount of grief. It is the socialist aspect of the Church. :)</p> <p>But the real truth was written earlier. First Eucharist is not a photo op. It is a sacred event and the emphasis and memory can never really be captured in a picture. And if that's what it is all about, I daresay that maybe some priorities are off.</p> <p>Truth be told, the event is not a very photographable event in most cases.</p>
  2. Didn't they put a note in your package explaining the situation. Most labs do if the results aren't normal.
  3. <p>what film are you using?</p> <p>how is the film being processed?</p> <p>What do your negs look like: completely clear; completely black; or clear with the film makers edge markings?</p> <p>Has those cameras ever produced a successful negative that you can verify?</p>
  4. Check this out , especially page 4: http://gawainweaver.com/images/uploads/file/Polaroid_ID.pdf
  5. Uuugggh... That doesn't sound good. If lubricant didn't help try some heat on the knob. I'm assuming brass on brass, right? Heat will expand the knob more than the shaft and may break it free. Whatever you do, go at it gently but persuasively. Whatever that means, right. Unfortunately, I it is cross threaded the damage is already done for the most part... So start gentle and advance in terms of aggressiveness only when the gentle approaches fail. Good luck!
  6. I've shot both MF TLR and SLR. They are both great, for different reasons. You seem to already know the primary differences and implications on how that affects use. You don't need opinions; you need to do the soul searching to decide which best supports your photography. My opinion and experience is mine and may not apply to you. Good luck... Just don't get in the rut of overthinking the problem!
  7. So did this help or are you still having a problem?
  8. Between those 3 filters you are almost wasting time trying to figure out which is best. They are all great. Remember, though, they all will be hard to clean due to the improved coatings. That's a feature, not a flaw. But really... Almost any filter will be okay if you are using a lens hood/shade.
  9. Using a coin, turn the cocking "screw" to the red dot and gently past until it stops. If the shutter doesn't stay cocked after that you may have a problem.
  10. Since you don't have much experience with flash photography I concur with those suggesting that you keep things simple - on the camera direct flash. Bouncing is an advanced technique and you need to stay attentive that your aperture setting is correct for the shooting distance. Trying to do too much at the same time will spell disaster. The worse that can happen is some harsh shadows and maybe red eye. Either/both is much better to have than no shot at all. Good luck!
  11. If you have a model release you are not in the wrong. Not at all. But "not wanting to get involved" is the first reaction of most management types and taking the avenue of least risk is the first reaction of most lawyers. For whatever reason that is stated or assumed, this kind of outcome is predictable. It's not just, nor is it easy to accept... But it's predictable. I'm sorry for you.
  12. <p>Not being an attorney (and perhaps not even being a very good photographer)... it seems that the lawyer sending you the letter is shrewd but may not know about the model release, and the model may not know the implications of what she signed. You may have some leverage since you have a signed release, and I'm sure lawyers have a way of twisting it so those terms can be subverted. My rule is to let the discussion happen between attorneys and I suggest you think about that too.</p>
  13. Reality check: unless you are very very lucky that budget won't allow you to make the leap.
  14. I've been in your shoes. One could say that if you took the pictures when they were paying you, then it was part of your job. One could say that you own the copyright and should protect that right. But unless these images are something your using to make money, then why not be a good guy and help them out? If it really is going to take extraordinary effort to access what they desire or if that effort is going to cause loss of income, then ask to be compensated. No matter, ask that you get a photo credit on the website if your images are used. Life's too short to not be a decent human being. In the end, your not obliged to do anything... You can always say they are inaccessible etc etc. But you'll feel a lot better about helping someone out than you would trying to squeeze a few dollars out of the situation. I would, especially because a long time ago I didn't and u still feel like a heel about it.
  15. If it will make you feel any better... It's about the same in other major cities also.
  16. I get good service from The Darkroom. https://thedarkroom.com/?gclid=CJDN9a7zzMsCFQUFaQodCnQLQQ
  17. ... Or the camera isn't as pristine as it looks and is broken. Good luck. When working the F3 is a dream to use!!!!
  18. If you saw nothing, then you either forgot to turn the "on-off" switch to "on", or the battery is bad.
  19. The meter will read "80" until advanced to first frame. You best read the manual so you don't get any other unexpected surprises!
  20. Also, in general - as with cars, watches, plumbing, etc - it is much more economical to prevent things from breaking than waiting until damage is done. Human nature favors procrastination.... Resist human nature unless you really need the money for food, housing, or helping the less fortunate!
  21. This is an oft asked question but it really comes down to this classic trade-off: which do you value more, the known reliability of a well-serviced camera, or not spending some of your hard-earned money? Cameras were not designed to operate forever without being serviced. Just like a car, things degrade based on time as well as usage.
  22. <p>"portable Alexander's nuance device"</p> <p>A chariot? How's that going to help? Or are you not referring to Alexander the Great?</p>
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