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Image Comments posted by forrest_andrew

    Canadian Rockies

    what a serene morning - and an equally lovely image. colors and reflection are superb, and this is balanced nicely by the touch of foreground detail and just enough hint of the rocks beneath the surface.

    Vermillion Lake

    isn't this a lovely spot!? one can spend a full day shooting along these shorelines. as for this particular image, you do a fine job of displaying the beauty of this place. a very well controlled exposure. great job!
  1. don - just an awesome scene. the shed antler and deep threatening skies seem to convey a sense of nature's power, yet, at the same time, the grandness of the scene seems to impart a soothing feeling. either way, this image clearly has loads to tell. from the looks of the photos, that river trip seems to have been an incredible time. any chance you took a shot of this scene with a lower perspective, perhaps with a vertical composition, one that emphasizes the sky? i just see the potential contrast between the angular white antler and the smooth silky, deep-colored sky being quite appealing.


    again, awesome shot.

    Perpetual motion

    amazingly simple, yet intriguingly complex all at the same time. the movement, color, detail and form all come together perfectly. an excellently executed image - stunning in every way.
  2. Jana - well seen. an incredibly graphic image, reducing the elements to their bare bones. i think that, because of the harshness of the desert, that it is sometimes best represented in such images. my only critique, i'm not sold on the square format. i'd like to hear your thoughts on a vertical crop. i find that a vertical crop further emphasizes the repetitive form and eliminates some of the extra white. would love to hear your opinion.

  3. Aaron - an awesome rendition of the badlands. the composition is fantastic. you've managed to achieve great balance through out the image, not an easy task when one is presented with the jumbled landscape of an area like Drumheller. the touch of warm light is subtle, but very real and appealing. most intriguing though are the lines. again, wonderful balance. the eye can simply flow throughout the image, exploring the intricacies of the land. the diagonal of the clouds only reinforce this. love your work!

    the log

    an excellent shot of the forest interior. detail is crisp and sharp. the greens really pop. composition is stunning - flow along the log, then the gap between the trunks, the eye is really sucked in. the more i look at this, the more i like it. this is really a superb shot - congrats! ps. i love forests, and not just because it's my name :-)
  4. james - great shot of a great little park. the colors are amazing - those greens really pop. i love the flowers in the foreground, and i like the sweeping curve of the stream. and good on ya for getting out to capture the stream - i'm guessing it wasn't flowing for long. it's always great to come across a fellow Albertan photographer - keep shootin'!


    lovely warm, subtle colors to an otherwise frigid scene. winter is a clean, crisp and beautiful time of year. this photo is testament to that.

    Feather and sand

    mike - well seen image. great color palette (or lack thereof). wonderful gradation of tones and texture. but i think a more diagonal composition, with the feather and sand streaks at an angle, would have added a great element to the image as a whole.
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