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Image Comments posted by forrest_andrew

    As Night Falls

    i love the feel of this image. in particular, i like the way the dreary, muted and neutral sky is in stark contrast to the bold, sharp and strongly contrasting black and white of the house. i am, however, left wondering what the purpose of the yellow in the uppermost window is??
  1. i like the image and particularly the slight sepia color. my critique is not of the photo, but the chose of font. the ships and color give a historic feel, but the bold and strong font doesn't really jive with this same feeling. maybe an old-fashioned or hand-written font would be more suitable??


    you have photographed a number of incredibly beautiful women and each image you create does justice to their individual beauty. well done.

    Patagonian Skies

    great shot. to expand on jon's explanation, the air cools as it is pushed up and over the mountain. Once the air is cooled to a certain temperature the moisture in the air condenses, forming a cloud.


    wow. just awesome. incredible composition. the beak immediately catches the viewers attention, then the curves and lines of the beak direct our attention up to the gaze of the eagles eye. while the non-descript background leaves nothing to divert our attention from this incredible animal. very powerful indeed.

    Fade to Black

    i often think of consistency as the separating factor between being good and being great. your work is 'great' in every sense of the word. keep 'em coming...just incredible.
  2. where to start?? incredible. awesome. beautiful. it is all this and more. the lighting is superb - just enough to give good depth. the non-descript background works wonders at keeping the eye trained on what matters. a powerful image in everyway - you should be very proud of this. would be curious, did you follow this leopard around for days/weeks, or did you just happen across it??
  3. david - after seeing your most recent post i'm guessing that this is also a crop of the original full size. in that case, i'd leave just a bit more space along the right side - just enough so that the tip of the 'branch stump' isn't cut off by the edge of the frame. i love this shot.
  4. looks like a beautiful day in a great location. this is a nice photo, but i think you would have been better off had you focused your attention more on the lake and reflection, ignoring the foreground canoes. i find them just a bit too dark to be effective. i also find the crop along the top of the mountain a bit tight. i've attached the view that i would have focused on (hope you don't mind).



    i'd agree on the need for more space around the bird - front and back. but, other than that, this is incredible. the strong diagonal of both the bird and branch work well. the sharpness and detail are awesome - a true testament to the beauty of this bird. and the color - wow - just amazing.
  5. absolutely beautiful. this is not your typical perigrine shot. the ruffled look, side lighting and stark perch give this image incredible feel. i even find the slightly low light levels appealing. almost looks like a Bateman painting (i'm a huge fan, so, in case you're wondering, that's a compliment). i really, really like this shot. i spend quite a bit of time cruising the work on this site and this has got to be one of the better bird images out there.
  6. you lucky bugger (or maybe lots of dedication and many early mornings)!! either way, looks like you got a great display of the awesome light and amazing clouds that this place is known for. it is really an amazing place that i have told myself i must one day return to. your photo does it justice. good stuff!
  7. great graphic image. well seen, well composed. my only critique, it seems bit of a skinny image. perhaps crop just a bit of the blue off the top making it a more standard ratio format.

    Harfang des Neiges

    i'd second Bill's suggestion. having said that, this is a fantastic shot. i love the fact that this really shows the bird in its typically overwintering habitat - open agricultural land with very little except for a few prominent perches. good stuff!! i love owls!!


    as insignificant as the hair might seem, i do find this 'cleaned up' version more appealing. now there is nothing, nothing at all to distract from her beauty. great photo!
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