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Image Comments posted by forrest_andrew

  1. i too agree with too much foreground. the lack of any significant detail or interest in the foreground detracts from the grandeur of the stacks behind. a horizontal format crop of the stacks, sky and reflection would hold much more appeal and, i suspect, would receive greater ratings. having said all this, the exposure is well controlled (no burnt-out highlights), the great pastel colors are subtle and very natural, and the hint of reflection compliments it all.


    further to my previous comment, this is one of those scenes i wish to return and photograph myself. i do like this image, i'm just left wishing the colors in the reflection were more 'on par' with the colors in the sky (perhaps the result of too much ND grad??). regardless, a good shot of a Northumberland classic.


    ah ha, Bamburgh Castle if i'm not mistaken!? this shot does well to convey the majesty and grandeur of this place. my grandmother used to live a little ways up the coast in Berick and i've been wanting to return to those parts for some time now. thanks for the reminder.

    Harvest Nears

    Will - thanks for your return visit. as for the trail, no i didn't make it. i think it's there as a result of some farm machinery. trust me, i'm not a huge of fan of getting on the wrong side of some disgruntled farmer for trumping through his field. i'm even leary taking a few steps into the field as i did for this shot. thanks again.

    Harvest Nears


    this is now an updated version of my original post. in retrospect,

    the original had ridiculously low contrast and i think that this one,

    with just a slight levels adjustment, is much better. i know there's

    nothing to compare to, but any thoughts in general?? and to answer

    Don's question, no i didn't tramp through this guy's field. i value

    life too greatly to do such a thing :-)

    El Perito Moreno

    having been here myself, i can say that this is a truely powerful image of this incredible place. the deep and dark grey of the water is complimented by the dark, gloomy clouds off to the right, while the blue sky gives the ice a perfect accent. well composed with the smooth curve of the ice. my only critique, and its small, perhaps a bit oversharpened?? either way, an incredible iamge.

    Big Sur

    another beauty Alec. composition is superb. just enough foreground, beautiful sweeping curve excellently highlighted by the perfectly timed surf. stunning colors. enjoy your travels and may they produce many more stunning images.


    great image. the dark sky and overall strong colors do a wonderful job creating an ominous mood. i find it intriguing the way the blue on the boat ties in well with the sky, and the touch of rust stain (?) on the boat works well with the beach. i also love the wide angle and low perspective. all round great work!

    " missy moss "

    i love your approach to this subject. the color, lighting and exposure lenght are all perfect. my only critique, a bit over sharpened - too much white amongst the moss and some fairly obvious distortion along the water/rock edge. otherwise this is fantastic!!

    Blue Panorama

    i like the strong clouds, and the reflection works well. i just think this lacks a bit of color that would give it more 'pop' (ie. replace all the browns with a strong green and this would be more appealing). i prefer this over the tighter crop. just my thoughts.

    Red Sky

    Avery - why 'Red Sky'?? anyway, a couple tips. careful shooting into the sun like this - the large blown out area on the right side detracts from the appeal. other than that, this just feels a bit flat. nothing to really give it depth or to get the eye moving around the image. just my thoughts. keep shootin'!!
  2. simply beautiful john. the color gradation in the sky is perfect - excellent job at keeping the star trails visible throughout as well as getting a bright, crisp horizon. perfect exposure. the axis of the star trails is perfectly positioned slightly off-center and i love the wide-angle look. an all round top-class image - well done! i almost forgot, the cloud streaks are great as well.
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