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Image Comments posted by forrest_andrew


    Jerry - your series of shots from commercial aircraft are stunning, and this one's no exception. a different realm of landscape photography all together. your eye for appealing lines and patterns is undeniable. i really enjoy these shots - great work and thanks.

    blue beach

    a great idea superbly executed. wonderful tones throughout. i'd be curious to hear your thoughts about a similar image, but without any discernible features along the horizon; just a study in color, line and mood??

    up north

    great feel. there is a pleasing simplicity about this image. it also conveys a great sense of the wide open space 'up north'. i do, however, agree with Carsten about the slight horizon slant. a 1 degree tilt CW should do the trick.

    The Stone Palace

    Marc - an incredible image. having just read some of the recent discussion on your portfolio, i'd have to say that you have certainly succeeded in creating a great sense of place here. many photos that i see of slot canyons are great graphically, but seem to have very isolated content. your image, on the other hand, encourages one to explore the depths of this particular canyon. your composition is bang on. just enough along the right hand side to lead the eye into that grand sweeping curve that takes one back, deep into the canyon. the lines on the left, from the very bottom corner all the way up the side of the image, direct attention to the same point. this again leads the eye on a journey. congrats on another success.

    Different place

    those hills really play with your eyes. certainly quite something. a generally pleasing and well composed shot. nice lines along the hills and in the sky that lead to a strong point along the horizon. Oregon has so much to offer, i won't know where to start when i finally get there!

    Patagonia VII

    certainly your most visually stunning image among your Patagonia collection. you were truly graced by a stunning sunrise. when i was there i only got a sliver of light falling on the mountain face before things clouded over completed. an amazing sight regardless of the light, but your image here is a true testament to the awesome nature of these towers. great detail, nice tight composition, perfect exposure, nice hint of color in the clouds - you should be very happy with this photo. congrats!!


    i agree fully with Alan. i do like the fact that the background gives this image a sense of place, but i think a square crop near the top of the stick would fully emphasize the great graphic play of light and shadow that you've captured here.

    Finishing Touch


    the moon had risen and the last rays of light were catching the reeds

    on the far edge of this small area of open water. i searched for an

    opening in the vegetation that would allow me to get low and give some

    direction to this shot. i came across this vantage point and set up.

    any and all thoughts on the result would be greatly appreciated.



    awesome! love the lines, color and composition. the colorful lichens add just the right touch. also, great use of wide angle. great shot.


    a simple, yet simply beautiful winter landscape. the contrast between the cold blue and the warm orange is superb. great lines also. congrats!

    Spanish Serengeti

    agree fully with Carsten - lovely wide angle landscape. the colors are great, particularly the patches of red soil in the foreground that link beautifully with the red earth in the midground. i also like the simple white and black frame.
  1. the last rays of light were lighting the cattails beautifully and this

    remnant patch of snow/ice provided nice contrast to the warm light and

    provided some foreground interest. thanks for stopping by!!

  2. taken last weekend out at Elk Island National Park. i was delighted

    when what had been a relatively cloudy and windy afternoon turned into

    a incredibly calm and clearing evening as dusk approached. i spent a

    couple hours skulking along this shoreline looking for compositions.

    this is one of my later shots. all thoughts, comments and critiques

    are greatly appreciated. thanks!!

  3. great stuff Don! looks like an incredible location. great balance of color between sky and reflection. i find the subtle colors pleasing and soothing - and i think this jives with the overall feel of the image. i think this could do with perhaps a .5 degree turn counterclockwise - this could be an artifact of the approaching shoreline, but reflection i think the reflection would line up better with the slight adjustment.
  4. adam - awesome! savage indeed. the firey sky, the jagged rock, bubbling surf - all are reminscent of the beginning of time. the golden reflection along the right side does the trick for me.


    famous for a reason. perfect execution of an image from a wonderful, but perhaps not lonely, place. the black border works well with the strong black shadows throughout.

    Nob Hill

    beautiful in many ways. perfectly controlled exposure, wonderful lighting, superb sharnpess and, all in all, just a great image. thanks!
  5. great shot! love the colors and detail in the pilings. the timed exposure adds just the right amount of movement and blur to the surf. composition is bang on. if i had to critique something, i'd say the ND grad effect on the sky is perhaps a stop too strong. regardless, a fantastic shot.
  6. cool!! this place looks awesome. our approach/styles seem somewhat similar as i can see we both enjoy tying together interesting foreground elements within their environment and backgrounds. i really do like this as is, but if i were to try anything different it might be a composition with the turret a wee bit more central, and pehaps a long exposure with some 'misty' surf lapping at the rocks in the bottom foreground. i'm returning to england next year for a cousins wedding and i think i'll add this to my list of photo ops. thanks.
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