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Image Comments posted by barclayphoto

    Corn Belt


    As well they should have! Great lines and pattern. If I could to just one little thing it would be to take away a bit of the foreground. In this case the sky does NOT bother me as it is gray and not white or does not have white holes if you will...


    Nice barn images in your portfolio! Where on earth do you find all of these?

  1. Really nice image. Nice subject BUT.... I would crop this one just below the BRIGHT cloud on the left side... For me the bright spot really detracts from the rest of the image. My eye can't stop going there!


    I love how the sweep of the hill side leads you right up to the lovely old barn.


    Again, just trying to give useful feedback as I myself don't find "nice shot" useful... still a wonderful image!



    Pretty Ugly


    I don't know... I kind of like the more subdued feel of the original... maybe a bit of contrast and saturation but not near as much as you suggest. In addition I'd would like to have seen less of the sky or have it be gone altogether. Maybe stand on top of a truck (like Ansel used to) to get you higher? Certianly worth the effort with such a great subject. You could even crop this on into a Pan shot.. no?


    One last thing. the roof of the main barn is a bit bright, maybe you could tone that down a bit?


    All that said it really is a terrific image and great subject.

    Death Valley 1


    This is some of the best CLEAR light I've seen in a DV shot. I'll be there conducting a workshop in Feb and hope we have some of this too!


    Nice job with the composition on this image, I too like the three layers.



    I. R.


    Hello Engeniya... I just read your Bio and I'm intriqued by your story... Being mostly a nature photographer I struggle with images like this one.. That said now that i know a bit of your story, I think I can better understand it... I think this one makes the viewer spend some time trying to understand what the "story" is and that is great. I like how she is coming out of the dark and chaos behind her. Maybe that is a metaphore maybe not.. but nice non the less.


    I applaud your creativity and desire to present your vision! Keep at it and don't let the haters bother you! Find people who will be honest with you about your work but keep in mind that it is always just their opinion and worth just that..


    Best, John

    Fall Colors

    Yes, I too like the colors but feel the focus is too soft. A worthy subject but of course a sturdy tripod and attention to DOF and focus will make for a better image.



    However I do agree with the crop suggested as it really strengthens the image. The mood is wonderful here and once again you have managed the light very well creating a great image.




    This one begs the question.. what is the subject? Is it the wonderful tree? If so I find the wonderful backdrop distracting. While I like the idea of using the tree I'm not sure having it dominate the frame makes sense.
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