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Image Comments posted by dberryhill



    Here's my new wallpaper. My wife does a similar trek in Ohio each year. She will love this! I just hope she doesn't get too enamored of those glasses.


    This nicely captures the feel of those events, at least as far as I know vicariously.

  1. I agree totally with Linda.


    I admire (and envy) your discipline in focusing on projects and staying with them. Most of us don't make that commitment.


    And you pursue them with great sensitivity and skill.


    This is a good photograph, and you are a good photographer.


    Great find, and the snow allows the eye to focus on the colors, lines and symmetry. I'm wishing you hadn't cropped the top, but I don't know why that bothers me here. I often do it myself.
  2. Thank you. I'm not normally very good at approaching strangers, so I was pleased that I had the nerve here. He was driving a restored 1940 Ford, which attracted my interest. But when I got up close, I saw that what I really wanted was a portrait of him. He was congenial, open, and direct.


    Yeah I briefly looked at it desaturated. But for some reason I preferred it in color. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it just looked more natural to me in color.


    Again, thanks. This isn't to everyone's taste.


    These are a bit over the top. But I have to shamefully confess that I have a fondness for lava lamps and those three-dimensional looking lit pictures that beer companies used to have hanging in taverns. There was something magical about them, but not these. I wouldn't have been tempted, even to get Jesus.

    Private Humor


    Mules aren't stubborn, he says. They just like to do things their way.

    So you try to make them think what you want them to do is their idea.


    I think that's the tactic most wives use with their husbands.

    Private Humor

    This is Joe, a Tennessee mule driver. He came through town this week on a wagon pulled by a team of six. When he stopped to buy about a ton of feed, he was interviewed by a local newspaper reporter. I noticed that for most of the interview he looked at the mules rather than the reporter. He knows who his friends are.
  3. A good generational juxtaposition. And the nice smiles are natural.


    I'm envious that you are able to find people outside. In the rural South in the US, it seems people stay inside more, except at festivals or other events. Perhaps air conditioning is partly to blame.



    I've long thought that lumping sex and violence together gives sex a bad name. Guilt by association.


    Your picture reminded me that my first real exposure to pornography came the summer, while in high school, when I worked at the local movie theater. The projectionist had a noteworthy collection of 'girly' magazines up in the projection booth which I perused when he wasn't around. There must be something about the fantasies of projectionists. Maybe they are by nature not social people, and thus sit in a booth looking at life, or a portion of it.


    Good capture of another dissolved scene.

  4. I don't know how I let this slip by. It is a true classic.


    I wouldn't fret over what you see as a flaw. From my very limiting experience at exhibiting pictures, if people can connect with a picture on an emotional level, they are very willing to ignore 'defects', if they even notice them. Viewers connect with this.

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