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Image Comments posted by dberryhill

  1. An old and wonderfully preserved two-room school house is on her

    property, very near her home. She didn't go there, but her siblings

    did. I took a friend recently to take pictures of the outside. This

    lady saw us and asked if we wanted to go inside. She said that she had

    shown it to many people, some from as far away as California. It was

    clear that she loves the place, and spends what she can to keep it

    from deteriorating. I looked and listened to her, and thought she

    could have been a teacher here. Dedicated, caring, and outgoing, but

    it wouldn't be wise to cross her. I'd learn those lessons on the


    InnerSection Church


    This one is on the classy side. Ours lean toward shabby. Like you, I'm fascinated with what brings people to churches such as this. Here in the South, the Baptists of course dominate. And we've got every variety of Southern Baptist church you could imagine. You'd think every itch would be scratched. And yet I see these off brands popping up all over. Someone told me that its just a matter of some guy who has a little charisma and sees pastoring a church as a way to make a buck. That seems a tad cynical to me.


    I'm glad you had a viewing angle to include the lines on the pavement. I think they add an interesting contrast to the dominant white of the building. And they connect with the name of the church. I have to say that the name is quite creative.We wouldn't get that here.

  2. This is extraordinary! It is among the best of your work that I've seen so far.


    When I first looked, it seemed like one of those 'in the womb' shots. But then I realized that it is a grown woman.


    It is tough to view. But some of the best photography is.


    The point of your picture, I think, is that he's homeless. I suspect Robin Williams is eating well tonight. I wonder if your subject is. I think this might be more effective in black and white.


    Thanks for looking and commenting. I'm grateful. I have taken other photos of Terrie that she does like. So I may leave this one alone.
  3. I meant no offense to them or to you. For someone in his sixties, like me, the term 'kids' refers to a broader age range than it would to a younger person. And I did not intend to infer they they behave irresponsibly. I was primarily curious as to whether their presence makes taking public photographs more difficult.



    Thanks for viewing. This may help me learn how taste in photography

    has changed in the past several years.


    Comments are always good, even from those who don't like the picture

    for whatever reason.

    Ed 2


    I love how real this feels! The subject is fascinating, and the light and textures are superb.


    I find myself thinking that it's a bit too wide on the left. But maybe I think too much in traditional ratios, although I don't always use them.


    Terrific portrait.



    I must be getting older than I think. I find myself wondering if she feels heavy sitting on his lap. Of course I know that she doesn't. Lifetime memories are made in moments like this.


    Nicely captured.

  4. Meir, I suspect you are accustomed to it, and I suppose it is deemed necessary, but is it a strange feeling to live where so many young people ("kids") are walking around carrying big guns? It reminds me of how I've imagined the Wild West looked in the US. It seems that it might doing 'street' photos more of a challenge. I know that since 9/11, there are places I can go here and if a security person sees me, he/she will always inquire as to why I have a camera. One of those is a nearby park at a hydroelectric dam. I find it amusing, since over the years I've taken shots of virtually everything there. If my intentions were indeed sinister, I wouldn't need any new pictures.
  5. You obviously gave the crop a lot more thought that I did when I made my comment. And your reasoning makes perfectly good sense. If the crop as is contains elements that are part of the message of the picture, then it should stay as it is.


    I certainly have no problem with your disagreement with my suggestion. Discussion can be helpful to both parties to the conversation. What I think we find annoying is that some people ask for critiques when they are really asking for absolute adoration, and any sort of criticism is taken as an insult at best. I don't think we fall into that category.

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