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Image Comments posted by dberryhill

  1. I want no more talk that you can't do portraits. This is classic. I love the contrast between his rather laid back expression and the 'perk em up' coffee cup. He must do a lot of writing - he's got a full supply of pens in his pocket. Bottom line here is that he's a fascinating subject in a fascinating place. Thus, a fascinating portrait!
  2. Thank you all!


    Dave, I took this in the late '70s and I don't recall exactly where. Finding the old negatives reminded me that I've been shooting the same kind of stuff for a very long time.


    This one seemed to fit the current times. I think we are all going to have to adapt - there isn't a political solution.

  3. I think one reason this is so appealing is that the sharpness and DOF are so good that you can look all around the picture and the faces are sharp and interesting. It is a photo the viewer can spend some time with.

    Smilin' Reb


    Thank you gents!


    I have ambivalent feelings about war reenactments. But I do admire the dedication of those who participate. I'd be a heat stroke casualty wearing those heavy wool uniforms in 90 degree weather.

  4. Intimate. Nice.


    Meir, I notice you use primes for your street shots. Do you carry several lenses? The problem I would have is that I don't know what I'll find interesting, and I suspect I'd often have the wrong lens for the shot. On the other hand, I think I'd be much more conspicuous with a big fast zoom.


    Your landscape shots always have a marvelous sense of being rooted. As here, the viewer FEELS being at this place at this time. Great work!
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