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Image Comments posted by gabrielma


    Le savant ou où les avant seront savants...dis-t-il M. le commisaire, les bourgeoises sont comment les co...ah, non. J'ai mal de tete ;)
    But seriously, I'm confused: you request a comment on the stencil itself or the picture? I don't think many on PN understand que est-que-ce voudrait dire, let alone who Balut is. A little background so we can give better feedback?


    Very engaging; the crop works even better (hadn't seen it at first!). Very well done, specially considering this is with available light.

    Getting dressed

    Definitively not for the purist. It is a nice, honest candid picture, with an interesting composition. It is a shame that there are many artifacts on the posted version; I would probably get rid of the empty space at the right, that way it would have a definite "energy" flow from one corner to the other.
  1. Very original, good choices on dodging and burning; unconventional perspective and line convergence combination. Very good! The sky though makes it feel it's pasted, but I don't believe it is; I have this problem too with some pics with high key areas.
    And a four in originality?!?! Who cooked that up?

    The Shadow

    Very interesting; I like it. I suggest either bringing the highlights higher and the shadows darker, or only darkening (w/curves) the bottom shadow zone (i.e. Zone I & II together).

    Railway Club

    Are yoo lookin at me? There's nobody else, so yoo musbelookin at me.
    Oh, wait, nobody's looking at me.
    It is too bad the gel puffed the hair out of the frame; I disagree with the "face distortion" due to the lens; it looks very rectilinear to me (the image overall).
  2. C'est bien, (pas mal bien sûr!), mais je crois qu'avec un peu plus de contraste elle serait encore mieux réussie (l'image et la femme).
    Bonne manière de "feeling", mais si tu voudrais dire "passion" aux anglophones, d'habitude ça voudrait dire autre chose (il-y-a une manque d'ésprit de ce côte de l'ocean).
    Le títre: s'ils s'aiment, pourquoi est-qu'-ils s'aiment doucement? L'eau? Je suggère "Love me always"; seulement une idée.
    Es-tu un photographe professionel? Sinon, tu as de l'intuition.

    Painted Wall

    Howard: I think that both have appeal; this one is a bit more "real" than the saturated one, but that other one may appeal better online. I think this one would look better printed on matte/satin paper.
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