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"I Do"


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This photo elicits a smile from me. I love everything about this (except the partially hidden face of the bride). Wonderful work!
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You know, whats done is done. Yeah, maybe the small portion of her face being hidden distracts a little, but this photo has so much more going for it. I love it personally. The facial reactions of the brides maids, just the eyes of the bride, you can feel her anxiety, and I think that the hidden face of the groom adds to the suspense. Kudos, its a great photo.Do you develope your B/W at home? Im just curious, because I dont get the same results from B/W as I see a lot of home devoloped photos, I get them done at a photo shop, and I am thinking of a dark room at home.
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Greta work. Love the facial expression and the way yopu have captured them on the faces of the bridesmaids.


While I know it is difficult, I would have gone for a fraction more elevation with an aim of capturing the full face of the bride.



Mike Sea

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her expression, that look, is priceless.i have to disagree with the full face thing. its perfect just the way it is. makes you wonder what all of it will look like. thats part of the interest in the photo.


very good capture.

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I would be terribly disappointed if this was a posed photograph. The first half of the magic in this is the captured moment moment of the bride and her friend's facial expression. What could be in their mind at that very second? What could they be thinking? Is it just as simple as 'oh I am so happy for you'? The second is the way the 3 women (dare I say girls) line up with their heads tilting in unison. Looked at in a slightly twisted way and it could look like they are all lining up to be wedded off in case "I Don't" happens. Well done.
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something drew me to this picture...the looks on the girls faces and their stances are priceless. as somebody else said, i'd be a bit dissapointed if this wasnt a candid, but in any case, excellent capture!


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I'm going to assume that this is a geniune candid and not posed because if it's posed it could have been much better.


As a candid, however, it's a fantastic capture. Having shot boatloads of weddings I have to disagree with the comments about not having all of her face in the photo. There's just no way to do it that I can see, at least not as a true candid. If you move right, you break up the pattern of the bridesmaids too much. You can't make her taller or him shorter to get her face over his shoulder, and you can't exactly go dragging a step stool or chair around in the middle of the wedding to give you something to stand on either. This is, as far as I'm concerned, the best that could be done in this setting and frankly I don't think it needs any apologies. The best part of it is that every pair of eyes, especially the bride's, are firmly riveted on the groom.


I have to say I wish I had thought of this back when I was shooting weddings.

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