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Image Comments posted by gabrielma

    Not posed.


    This reminds me of another set of shots from a photographer whose name I forget at this moment, of a prisoner also handling a kitten.


    What makes this stand out and different from that series is the beautiful poses, and the effectiveness of the blown highlights from the cat's fur. I wonder if the details could be salvaged on its fur?

    Very nice!


    Very very very good. Great exposure control and creativity! I'm sure a big print of this would make a very good impression on all viewers. Effective abstract and yet subject is nicely conveyed.


    This is original, amusing, and nicely composed. It does need some selective saturation enhancement. Crop the top a bit so that the curve naturally falls closer to the corner, and the right side so that also the sign's upper right corner fits with the corner that will result after cropping.


    The tritone certainly gives it more character. Me imagino que este es algun tipo de vestido, pero el enfoque ha exhaltado una calidad a la vez erótica y anti-erótica que originalmente no era su propósito, aunque uno puede hacer el argumento que cualquier vestido trae consigo tales "conflictos".
    Bien hecho.
  1. The background and the finger are distracting?!? Then so is the color and the wrinkles, and the eyes, and the mouth and the nose.
    Pay no attention to the easily-distracted critics, which remind me of those who called Mozart Mr. "Too many notes". This is an excellent, dynamic photograph with both direction and focus. Excelentemente ejecutada.
  2. Simplicity exhalted by its own complex details. Exposing and challenging what people consider photography is. The capture of light be it with a super SLR, 8x10 camera, pinhole camera, Polaroid transfer, Daguerrotype or flatbed scanner, art is art, and even more indulgent when something as simple accomplished with means requiring dedication with tools at hand, not because of the tools at hand.

    Also a good example of a good way to break the rules in a meaningful way, not just "because" you want to break the rules, and yet it falls within other rules.Marvelous texture, monochrome, composition and technology study.


    Excellent achievement from capture all the way to posting. These have a complex metallic/adobe visual feel to them; the tone gradations are magnificent and the composition is very good. I'm sure a lot of Photo.net nay-sayers think of this as another "nature shot", missing the point (notice the ratings of 4) that the subject itself isn't always as important as the technique and vision. Or maybe Fred Astaire just moved about making noises with his shoes?
    I am curious, what kind of scanner did you use? How was this print made? What camera and film were used?
    Well done.


    Excellent!! I'd like to see this with milkier tones. I am unfamiliar with this work, but it is the style you'd expect to find from German and Austrian artists in the 1920s. I am positive this is meant to depict something other than "marriage", but your photograph and ascribing such an institutionally- and religiously-charged word is a witty stroke of genius. Could you tell us where you found this, and if you know anything about the work? Bitte schoen.


    Excellent perspective: focused and powerful. About the title: it is very hard to come up with something significant; the fact that 44 and 45 are not steps anymore makes me think there's more symbolism than meets the eye. Other than "Sacrifice" and "Dark Ages", I can also think of "Road to the Military-Industrial Complex" and "Up or down?". Think about it.

    Bettina I

    Boring shot?!? What does that guy want? Oh, right, bouncing breasts will keep many interested (myself included, but that's beside the point).
    This shot is very interesting because it makes you wonder really about her state of mind: is she sleeping? Is she excited? Is she exhausted? Is she unconscious?...I'm sure it's boring if you have no imagination and cannot possibly participate in a photograph.
    Good shot.


    Ernesto: me gusta la foto, pero te recomiendo que hagas resaltar las partes brillantes un poco más, y si es posible, borrar el árbol que está detrás del arbolario, pues hace conflicto con la flor en donde está parada la mariposa. Sé que es difícil pensar en estas cosas cuando la oportunidad se presenta tan de repente. También me gusta ir de vez en cuando al St. Paul Conservatory, buen lugar para practicar.
  3. I agree with the comment about the tilt. There is some empty space to the right too. The leveling is based on the street, but the lens has caused a problem with the building at the right slanted due to the optics. I suggest you crop off the street, rotate about 1.3 degrees to the right and crop off the right a little more.
  4. I think that the problem with the ratings here could be alleviated if the water wouldn't be chopped at the top; considering the subject mentions the water, this is important.

    The exposure itself and composition is very good.

  5. I also like the composition...but the highlights! I'm blind!! Seriously, perhaps the impact would be better if the sky were a bit dark, the cross dodged and the highlights brought down a little, that way the impact would be equivalent without harshness?
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