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Image Comments posted by gabrielma

  1. Pero mira, que hab?pensado que hab?comenzado a crecer pasto en Utah. Ahora entiendo por qu?o ten? en primer lugar.

    La composici?n es muy buena, pero me gustar?ver si el escaneo (as?e llaman en Espa?a?) se puede hacer de nuevo y ver si el contraste se puede mejorar. De seguro el original que tienes debe estar mejor que este posting.

    Ah, joder que estos gringos no saben como manejar acentos y enyes...todas cambiadas por signos interrogaci�n.


    Marta, pero que gallardo toro, tan pensivo. Genial. Tienes demasiadas fotos, voy a ver si puedo verlas todas pronto!

    Thanks for your comments, by the way.
  2. I think this works too. It is a delight to see, and it's refreshing to know that somebody stands up for the "complexity" in their work. Too many people find details distracting or over-the-top. The subject is what it is, and is conveyed exactly as it is. The photographic gear is most appropriate for this shot, and the composition is clever. A close-up of this means nothing other than "abstraction" if one doesn't know the context of it, like say, somebody taking the close-up of the nostril of the Statue of Liberty...we'd know the context.
    Only reason why I didn't rate 7/7 is because I strongly believe that dodging the sky, or the use of a graduated Cokin filter would have helped here, but even then I can respect the honesty of the photograph. And there are very few honest pictures in this site.


    Simply Red

    Very very very nice. Not to mention the balancing act you had to go through to get this shot without a streak. Excellent, natural cropping, and the frame is a clever last touch.


    Very beautiful exposure. I wonder what would have been had you taken it just as the sun had set, but as is it has captured and renders a sense of tranquility, which is also excellent given the location.



    Very interesting! Very eye-catching. The poses are a bit rigid, though. I like the vignetting.

    Let me guess: they broke up because he could one day ruin those sheets, right?

  3. This is a wonderfully framed shot; it is too bad that it's too dark, but the picture itself carries on well. I hope you can find a way to bring out the shadows and the skin tone without undoing its serious mood.

    Fitness queen.

    Very personal style; the shoes have not only become your signature, but I have noticed it's a subtle statement.
    Excellent title, excellent lighting, even the subject's shadow on the wall adds a great sense of depth.
  4. Incredibly narrow DOF with the 17-40 L lens; I find it hard to believe that even at f/4 you'd get this DOF at f=40mm, unless you used a 12mm extension tube and/or "magnifying" filter.
    Nevertheless, very catching; nice light; at first I thought these were fiber cable strands, not sipping straws. Nicely done.

    Eight Coins

    Imediatamente reconocí los veintes. Qué te condujo a tomar una foto de estas monedas? Y solo una observación: se dice "20 cent coins" sin la s en centavos.
    Cálidos saludos desde el círculo ártico (Minnesota).
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