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Image Comments posted by gabrielma

    In the park


    Pedro: I also immediately thought that there had been some funky optics/manipulation done here, until I saw it was Parc Guell.

    Very good control of light. I think you still have room to pull the shadows a bit, since your highlights are well within a zone or zone and a half from being blown.

  1. David, la perspectiva es muy efectiva, la composición bien hecha, y tu modelo es atractiva. Quizás la foto necesita un poco más de saturación o desaturación, de otra forma la referencia a Federico García Lorca es un poco, bueno...verde??
    Pero en serio, huerco, que es muy buena la foto especialmente para ser la primera.

    Hand Father

    Es conmovedora la foto sabiendo lo poco y sustantivo de la persona retratada. Como comentario de paso: tengo dos primas en el pais vasco frances.
    Que bendicion que el espiritu de todos ha triunfado sobre el abismo de "Pancho".

    Posing again

    Pedro, admiro la calidad de este retrato no solamente debido a la cámara que utilizaste, pero tambien por la tonalidad y detalle que has logrado realizar.
    Son tus modelos amistades o son pagadas? Francamente, necesito algunas lecciones básicas de tí en cuanto a desnudos se concierne.

    There is a certain unresolved energy that I like. What's in the water in Barcelona, that makes it a cradle of such innately artistic people? (y no me digas que es el catalán, que eso ya lo he escuchado ;)
  2. To be absolutely honest, I thought my monitor had a big stain, then I scrolled down and the stain moved along. A few seconds later it was evident it was a "fade-in" of a man (sailor?). This was my initial impression...but now I can see what's going on in this picture...
    I'm not sure this works, at least not with the face taking half of the space; perhaps smaller.


    Bella fotografia. Your eclectic portfolio is a very good thing; you're not sticking to only one kind of subject or theme. Great experimentation and great results as you do it. Keep on experimenting, but I encourage you to not drop off and leave behind your style(s).
    I would put off the full nudity, if I were you. Attract people by your skills alone, not the skin! Unless, of course, you find your chef ouvres are found there...

    The Peace

    Laura: you are actually lucky to have some good people to critique your stuff. Of course, me being a man without any nudes, I don't have any fans, but unfortunately all I can say is take the ratings with a grain of salt. Only look at the ones from people with a good portfolio, or with a good history of providing constructive criticism.
    Blind praise from people who are just too horny is also a bit counterproductive, so beware!
    How did you shoot this? Is this aimed at yourself, are you above the subject? In any case, the framing is effective.



    No estoy de acuerdo con la interpretacion de los demas. Partiendo del titulo que le has asignado, esto es mas personal que tecnico. El enmarcado marca subitamente una ansia sin resolucion, quizas pasiva en la superficie, pero ebullente evidentemente solamente debido a la mirada.

    O como hubiera dicho Freud, una mirada es solamente una mirada (y como "ventanas" del alma, mejor asi dejada?)

  3. I think it means that it's cute that a baby looks up a girl's dress as long as the girls aren't fat?? I could be wrong, it looks like an ad for a cellphone company. I'm confused as well ;)
    Interesting to note that the info says it's not manipulated, but the baby is not casting a shadow!


    I see a trend of many rating flower macros with low ratings because either they're "boring" or "already done" and then you see awful nudes getting high marks; they are also hardly appreciated as abstracts. So don't be discouraged by the low ratings, which is hard to do, I know.
    I would suggest reframing the shot so that the bulb at the top isn't chopped off.


    I agree, this is fantastic. The dodging is definitively called for. Glad to see great (and incredibly expensive) film cameras put to excellent use in great hands.

    The Lovers


    I don't agree with the low ratings, but I would highly suggest posting a larger version of this so we can appreciate it a little more.

    If possible, since this is about the lovers, I would not chop the man's head, nor their arms. Otherwise, I would crop even further to concentrate on their face and their hands holding each other.


    This photograph conveys the strength of the mountain and the flow of the clouds that all contrasts are so beautifully brought together, evoking the serenity of nature from above and the clash of the elements.
    Very very nice.
  4. Hello Diana. I like this picture, and the fact that this seems to be some family co-resident; I have a couple of resident ducks at the pond in view of my balcony.

    I like how you anchored the image with the center of the lily pad. Also, I took the liberty of giving your picture some color and contrast "punch".
  5. A digital blot being compensated by much typing. It says a lot about the myth that says that a picture is worth a 1000 words (with the deflation in grammatical abilities in the present generation, the exchange rate has remained about steady). Consequently, words have been compensating (notice the repetition?). Sentence this be? Paragraph by double carriage return is thus.

    To the intuitive eye this does logically fall into the "woman after intense light and Photoshop effects" category. Extended arms, at least one leg extended, photographed from above as face is facing camera.
    As an abstract it is both beautifully conceived, but on a scale from John-Adams-tongue-in-cheek to Andy-Warhol-let-the-process-do-the-art, I think it falls within the Ansel-Adams-is-gone neighbourhood.
    The composition is very well conceived, which is nothing to scoff (sniff?) at, considering this is an abstract.
    I like it, specially the digital blown-highlight pom-pon effect against the conflicting rooted and anchored on the background effect suggested by the woman (or shall we say, humanoid figure) from which this sprouted.

    Now that I've gotten my intellectualloid comment collapsing in its own intellectualloidism (aha!) which is both criticism-proof and criticism-friendly, and spiraling in its self-conscious disregard of (to?) rhetoric and structure, I should say: IT MADE US LOOK AND (gasp) THINK! (Mission Accomplished).
    Just like any other long, winding written analysis, any abstract (such as this) is either to be agreed upon or dismissed.
    Such is the abstract (i.e. not concrete, spoon-fed) world.
    Considering Bob's gravitating around well-exposed, straight and disciplined portfolio, one should recognize the creativity on both sides of the brain; not many portfolios show evidence of this (read: variety). And that, gentlemen/gentlewomen/gentlehumans/gentlebeings, is worth more than the picture alone.
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