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Image Comments posted by erin.e

  1. Beautiful model, nice lighting choice, and fairly original composition. I find personally that the choice of pose is unfortunate in that the leg and knee become a large and distracting element. Ask your lovely friend to help you again. Maybe sitting on her feet?

    Burned out


    I was a press photographer Antonio, and in that trade you learn the skills to let you photograph people in almost any situation . Extreme tact and sympathy with the plight of people in unfortunate circumstances helps. Of course with your sensitive and beautifully photographed Yadira series I am not telling you anything new here! I had met these guys in better circumstances on another assignment so that also helped.


    I agree entirely that there is a risk that an editorial image can be altered to fit the story and that there are a few ratbag press photogs out there that would not hesitate to change an image to meet their needs, as was illustrated by the respected U.S. photojournalist that was recently fired for doing just that (he painted in the background of a pic of firemen at the twin towers debacle in P/S and won an award then he was sprung if I remember right)


    All of the press photogs I know have a very high ethical code and take pride in getting a good image in camera that will tell the story, and would not act in such an unprofessional manner. The integrity of the press(media) as an impartial observer is regarded as too important to threaten by shoddy practices by the vast majority that work in it

  2. Plenty of pics of rowboats stranded on the low tide Pawel, so I can't honestly give you a high rating for originality. It is very nicely composed and you worked hard to be there in the mud at the right time to capture the lovely colours both reflected and in the sky, so that deserves a very good rating for aesthetics.


    Well seen Pedro, plenty of detail to engage the eye and mind, lovely texture and composition, nice muted colours. You have captured the atmosphere perfectly in this step back in time.

    Evening glow

    Very good exposure and choice of placement for compositon, Chris, and the colours in this one, while quite dramatic, are much more believable than the 'White house and rape field image'.

    Burned out


    Yes it was Antonio, but the 'smile' is just this guys' conditioning 'to smile at the camera'. The house they own has just been burned down, possibly deliberately. They are obviously shattered. The smile is not genuine and has not reached his eyes as can be seen in the attachment I have posted that involved just turning the corners of his mouth down with the liquify command in Photshop.


  3. Well timed capture Blago, great expressions. The two chicky babes being slightly OOF works for me, otherwise they would dominate the pic instead of being a very compimentary addition.
  4. I do not agree with the consensus to crop this image. The rock formation has a strange unearthly beauty, and could almost be an airbrushed artists impression of another planet, the foliage anchors the fact this surreal place actually exsists on earth. The directional lighting and time of day the image was taken also add much atmosphere and emphasise texture. Beautiful, don't change a thing

    Burned out


    No, these guys are not unmasked representatives of the Ku klux Klan,

    but just skinheads who had their house burned down. Comments and

    critiques welcome as always.

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