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Image Comments posted by erin.e


    It is an original and interesting sharp image. The reason he could get so close is because this a very young bird.


    Powerful portrait Antonio, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The background, as is, works fine, is uncluttered and makes her face stand out in clear profile.
  1. Yes, the boy is an 'Old Soul', he has seen a few reincarnations. Well composed image, the criticisms on background distractions are really nitpicking, this is a well seen found image, not a studio shot! A couple of the reasons the image works as both a colour and black and white is plenty of contrast and a correct exposure. Good job Alec.

    No name

    Nice original portrait, great tones and nice sharp large aperture renditon from that 50 mm Summicron and SLR Leica. Had a bit of trouble trying to read the writing, thought it may be Russian. Cryllic?

    Lili Wong

    To answer your question. Yes. Even from a small internet image the quality of the print looks outstanding. Can you give us some details on the materials used etc?
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