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Image Comments posted by erin.e

  1. Nicely composed pic with original thought, personally I find the lighting on the finger a bit harsh, too much contrast between the dark fretboard and the almost burned out front of the finger.


    Well this must be the results of the bookworm. It doesn't seem to like the climate very much here in New Zealand. I have seen and smelt plenty of musty old books, but this is the first worm eaten one I've seen. Is that a ricepaper book? Oh, nice pic too Hiroya!

    Blue Eyes

    I find the eyes a bit bright too. Incidentally it is often mentioned in documentary books that Adolf Hitler had extremely bright piercing blue eyes that I imagine must have looked like this.

    Me and My Wife

    Interesting and original concept, the matching of expressions is quite amazing, and you both have very similar facial features, (of course, your wife is prettier!) Did you have to take many images to get this match?
  2. Great timing and a bit of serendipity on the part of the plane. I do not agree with Max's reasoning, to my point of view, to get a good image in camera is what photography is all about. Almost anyone can create a computerized image via photoshop, but that is graphic design, not photography. You did very well to capture this interesting image Galeuchet, and a 6/5 from Mr .[.Z is high praise indeed!



    The guy with the golf club had returned the bird which flew out of an open window after being released for a fly around the room. It went to the Golf course next door and was captured by the golfer. The idea was to get a pic of the bird sitting on the head of the golf club, but the bird insisted on leaping off the driver head and doing victory laps.

    I presume the pic on the wall is the woman in her youth.


    Yes John, I agree that the woman has been truncated, unfortunately she was very short, the guy very tall and the bird high in the room!



    This womans budgerigar escaped out an open window and visited the

    golfcourse next door, this gentleman returned the errant adventurer

    to his home. Comments and critiques welcome as always.



    I hate cat pics, every hobbyist with a new camera takes one and posts it here. But this time Misha you have a really nice image that stopped me in my tracks while looking through the top shots folder.


    I like the diagonal composition and the subtle lighting. The exposure is excellent with a full tonal range, and the image is sharp.

    the black background is cool too and is picked up in the wide open irises of his/her eyes

  3. Excellent tonal range and great visual depth, sharp too! Plenty of things to engage the eye and mind in this image. Don't worry about the tilt, it goes away once you get inside! Nice juxtapositons and everyone lost in their own little worlds. Very nice lighting. Brilliant pic on the bus/ train commuter theme that has been tried plenty of times and seldom works.

    Out of Control?

    I prefer this image to the tighter one that you have also posted. Sad to see a nice dwelling, someones home, destroyed by fire. Documentary images such as this keep people aware that it can happen at any time to any house. Good work!


    Excellent timing Vincent, take a bow! The diagonal composition and good exposure, plus of course the beautiful model and the amazing hair make this a unique image.
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