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Image Comments posted by erin.e

  1. You are a Master of light Michael, brilliant portrait of your son. Here I am looking for just 'good' images to get my rating level down and I find this. Oh well keep looking Iguess and find a few more 'good' ones
  2. This is the type of image that deserves POW and to be at the top of the front page instead of some of the very mediocre pics that have been appearing there recently.


    "Into the Light" Connotations of journeys end at the end of a long struggle.


    You were indeed blessed for your tact, but there are all the other aspects that you put in place yourself. Having the right film, the right camera, the right lens, being in the right place at the RIGHT time, and then to get the perfect compositon and exposure. God only provided the right light and the opportunity for you to capture this evocative image. Top class.



    I checked .[.Zs top rated folder and a 6+6 from him on this image says it all)

    A corner


    I am not attempting to "prove" any thing Lannie. Just giving you the opportunity to see that strong images don't need frames or borders to get their message across. Did you bother to check out the provided links? Or are you just full of "hot air" Professor?

    I note on visiting your portfolio, you are not an advocate of uploading many images with borders

    A corner


    Framing and matting of images is primarily and historically for mounted and framed prints Lannie.


    In high quality photographic essay books a thin line to seperate the image from the usually WHITE background is all that is required to present the image to its best advantage.


    More recently, on websites, frames are photoshop or graphic design software embellishments and can improve a mediocre image and detract from an excellent one. I apologise for being not specific enough but a strong book print image or electronic file will stand on its own without the crutch of a frame.


    If you doubt this check out the work of some of the really top class photographers here,



    Emil Schildt,



    Floris Andrea,



    Fred Voucenk

    http://www.photo.net/photodb/member-photos?include=all&user_id=552657 (Narrow borders)



    are three that spring to mind.



    Did Draculas missus give you a kiss on the neck for taking her photo Rene or was it a peck?


    Is the reason the image is on a lean because you were ready to bolt the instant the shutter was released, coming back to pick up your D30 next day when the sun was out?


    Very original and spooky anyway.

  3. If anyone puts images up for critique and expects honesty in evaluation then they must accept the comments without becoming defensive.


    The tonal range and good exposure are the only positive aspects I can find, otherwise this is not a very good picture at all.


    The image is unsharp. The colours look unreal because of oversaturation. The emptiness in the sky area is poor composition, and the whole image is too busy in the bottom area, with no focal point to anchor the eye.


    Good thing I don't rate images of poor quality as this snapshot would get a 3+3

    A corner


    Maria Conversano, July 10, 2004; 05:29 A.M.

    I think that this sort of personal attack in ridicolous, expecially in adults persones. You do not like this photo? Rate as you prefer or do not rate and comment on what, tecnically, you do not like and i'll appreciate costrucctives comments.


    I presume that this attack is directed at me Maria.


    I did not mention anything but my impression of the image, and made no personal comment regarding you. Many other commentors have pointed out areas that the image could be improved on< Brian, Tim, John, and Dhiren plus others with regards to a different frame. A good image does not need anything more than a thin defining line to separate it from the background.


    As for the exposure well it is underexposed in the shadow areas and overexposed in the highlights so I downloaded it and tried to get a more equal balance.(Seen Above) I did not say that I did not like the image, what I said was that it is only an average image and I still stand by that statement.




    Thanks Bill for the comment, yes it is a very stark image and at the time Fiona McDonald, the singer, looked rather elegant in a vampy "Gothic" manner, which was the intent of the image to portray.

    Purakanui Falls

    The only place here in New Zealand where the water is that colour Georg, is just downstream a bit from the factory where they mix the denhim blue dye for the Levi jeans.

    Eumenide III

    I hope my imagination can do justice to the lovely texture this divine image must have. Keep going Floris, you are an inspiration to many of us. Beautiful woman too.
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