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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. <p>Post a recent street photo or follow this weeks theme " golden oldie".</p><div></div>
  2. <p>Some people find the light only if, like the candle, they are their own fuel, consuming themselves.</p>
  3. <p>"your cryptic epigrams often throw me for a loop when it comes to understanding what you're really trying to say". Steve.</p> <p>"Lost in the world of words...the magic of the photograph....."Allen</p> <p>Okay, a work of Art/Photograph has its own language; a emotive response from the photographer and the viewer. Yes, we can analysis/determinate , put our thoughts into words...but the Art is talking to us from a different place. Words, are wonderful, and they can help explain the Art, and they are our practical tools of understanding. But they are only tools of understanding, the Art. The Art can be lost in in the deciphering of one language to another....hence the magic is lost in the world of words.</p> <p>Just another thought.. to call someones photography as "crass" is just plain nasty. It would seem folk on this forum do not have a problem with someones work being called "crass". Indeed, they seem to "pretty up" to this person. I just wonder how they would feel if their photography was called "crass? Photographers/ Artists are proud of their work to have it called "crass" must be very hurtful.</p> <p>Sad.</p>
  4. <p> "Let's say I am like a pocket gopher".Charles<br> <br> Funny.<br> <br> I would have thought a better analogy would have been of a little ostrich with its head stuck in the sand, its arse pointing at the world, passing wind. But did I notice one half eye sticking out? Ha, only joining in the fun of your little tale.<br /></p> <p>Thanks everyone for the insights and the photos. Special thanks for the effort Brad has put into this post with his Art of Photography despite the insults and name calling from our little ostrich friend.</p>
  5. <p>It always thought is was interesting that we can tell a story about a photograph. Does it matter whether it is true or not? The clever couched words are what really matter. The cleverer, the more plausible...</p> <p>Of those words might leave most folks lost in space in their ambiguity. Like politics which are full of rhetoric but actually saying nothing..... </p>
  6. <p>Perhaps a montage of our fellow species dying mostly in agony.</p> <p>The kiss could then be a kiss.... of a finale goodbye.</p>
  7. <p>"Or it could "simply" be serendipity - which so much street shooting is about"<br> <br> You need an eye to see.....and a lot of time and opportunity to find.<br> <br> </p>
  8. <p>I could write a thousand words but methinks they would only come to the same place.</p> <p>A gimmick....a clever one, but just a gimmick.</p>
  9. <p>Interested to look at the photos making the montage.</p> <p>The kiss a gimmick.</p>
  10. <p>A thousand words can be informative. Nice....helps to formulate an idea/vision ; a picture in words. And then someone spoils it all with the magic of a photograph.</p> <p>Lost in the world of words...the magic of the photograph.....</p>
  11. <p>Perhaps, bi-weekly, or monthly.</p> <p>One of the most popular posts, with the most participates, just has got to be continued.</p>
  12. <p>Without Fred waiving his baton these weekly discussions will either totally stop or die a ugly little death. Sad. We can all then discuss how wonderful the latest camera is...and post our photos with it, until we get bored, or until the next one arrives...a never ending cycle of toy box toys.......</p> <p>' Many members who have a lot to say about photographs and photography simply choose to not participate due to the oblique backhanded putdowns (from people with heavily invested ideas taking issue with those who disagree)'. Brad.</p> <p>The problem. Freedom off speech, ideas, without being subject to a personnel abuse. An example below.</p> <p>'Particularly with the inarticulate Les barking his stuff to no purpose other than to just bark'.<br> Nice...methinks not.</p> <p>Lex, you should take up the baton.</p> <p> </p>
  13. <p>Instant visual impact.....but, I was struggling to find something else. </p>
  14. <p>" Despite the hate, social media is the way of the world now"</p> <p>So, if you are sort of a average photographer, but project yourself on social media, fame and fortune is yours. And you get the girls. Hmm, have to a think about it.</p> <p>;)</p>
  15. <p>I look at the Art in the photograph...what it is communicating where is it taking me?</p> <p>Parks, to my mind is about cold photographs that are very still and static. Not for me. However, they are working for me in a very sublime, emotional level; the more I look at them. Something I cannot explain in words but it is there.</p> <p>I have a feeling, a empathy, drawing me to them.</p>
  16. <p>Enjoyment, and the pleasure of following our natural desires.</p> <p>We all have the innate desire to express ourselves....call it Art. We try to look further than the place we are in; we want to travel somewhere else. And sometimes we find it.</p> <p>So we call it Art. The journey to another place...the success of humanity. Imagination.</p> <p> </p>
  17. <p>It is all about education, the search for understanding and knowledge. Cows chew the cud and they are happy.</p>
  18. <p>Of course most of them do not have any Art they just good at flogging a product to those who do not know any better.</p> <p>But, hey, that's sales and marketing....as old as willing girls/guys.</p>
  19. <p>Marketing, the sales pitch.</p> <p>Photographers/Artists, do their own thing. For the love of it.</p> <p>Others about turning a coin....fame and fortune are also the windmills to be tipped.</p> <p>Their soul is in the golden coin...and popular acclaim.</p> <p>They ride on their ego and their Art is lost.</p>
  20. <p>Never heard of any of them.</p> <p>But I have heard of Mac Donald. </p>
  21. I have also had a Sony 5N, excellent camera, but the Fuji lenses are in a different place. Leica, Fuji (Hasselblad) the bad boys.
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