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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. <p>"Allen, nice capture of a little girl's questioning expression and her dependence on an adult companion".</p> <p>I strongly suspect, in the same time, and the same place, you would have also have taken this photo. </p>
  2. <p>Scared of Shun...best stick to train spotting.</p>
  3. <p>Masterpieces my D8100 has made for me...<br> <br /> Ouch Shun has deleted all my posts</p>
  4. <p>Just received e-mail from B&H. There is finally discount on the D810:</p> <p>Wow, my credit card is seriously maxed out! but I will sell my wife's car, on the sneak, got to get this wonderful BS deal..... Hey, worship, when you see the masterpieces of photography my D8100 can produce! Eat your hearts out you poor sad little plebs.....</p> <p>Hey, go and earn some coins....get with it you sad lot.</p>
  5. <p>Jeez, Im so good I could cry.</p> <p>Dear bloke upstairs please help me to be modest so I can disappear into obscurity and everyone will love me....</p>
  6. <p>For me Fred, I like to portray aspects of humanity in my photography. </p><div></div>
  7. <p>"Salgado: Respect what he does. But… For me, his photographs are so laden with gravitas they take on a ponderous quality that in the end pushes me away from what they try to communicate"</p> <p>His strength is using photography as a real world view...the power of photography to express the photographers art in a base of hard world cold truths.</p> <p>The brush of the photographic art entwined with photographic truths....</p>
  8. <p>"So many really good photographers have a noticeable <a id="itxthook1" href="/philosophy-of-photography-forum/00d1KE" rel="nofollow">style<img id="itxthook1icon" src="http://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/lb_icon1.png" alt="" /></a>. I would say a strong or distinct voice goes deeper than style, which can at times be just superficial (although it obviously can go deeper with some <a id="itxthook2" href="/philosophy-of-photography-forum/00d1KE" rel="nofollow">artists<img id="itxthook2icon" src="http://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/lb_icon1.png" alt="" /></a>)"<br> They all do rarely without exception. Success equals a notable style...the real world of photography.</p> <p>"For you, when does consistency work and when does it become formulaic and less effective?"</p> <p>For me I try to escape from a formulaic style and move on no matter how successful I have been or otherwise. I do my photography for me and experimenting is very important to my enjoyment of photography ....going to different places trying different styles is the fun of it all. However, in the real world it is all about developing a consistent style and technique. The chaos of moving to different genera, styles, techniques, is a big no..no in the world of successful recognized photographers. </p> <p>.</p>
  9. <p>" which may or may not be a marketing stunt"</p> <p>Then that is fraud.</p> <p>Fraud is about taking money of folk under false pretenses... marketing stunt...so what is that something to hide behind?. Fraud is about conning folks to part with money under false pretense. In most countries that would be considered an unlawful act.</p> <p>A unlawful act of supplying false information to increase the value of a given item...a con, that simple.</p>
  10. <p>"Allen, your comments betray a certain biases."</p> <p>Of course.</p> <p>This is a photographic forum so i wonder where the biased would be?....climb over the fence and look at the other side.......that is what i did... try it.</p>
  11. <p>http://www.citysnaps.net/blog/</p> <p>To help with some street stuff before we are all lost in the world of weird and wonderful...</p>
  12. <p>"I got a little tired of hearing about Lik and his high-priced recent sale, which may or may not be a marketing stunt"</p> <p>So much disrespect for a photographer who has sold a photograph for a sad little sum of money( loose change) in the art world....have we so little respect for our fellow photographers? Are you the judge and jury that decide the worthy...if so is your money where our mouth is? I suspect not.</p> <p>Salgado, is in in a different place, a different worth....a master of his art. Yes, his work is at the very least worth 100 times more. But...a big but...any value given to our art is a value to us. Why knock ourselves....the art world considers us a Cinderella of art but without the magic shoes.....do not scare the prince who might come along one day as we are too busy destroying ourselves deciding a worthy Cinderella.</p>
  13. <p>"I purchased a Maggie Taylor (wife of Jerry Uelsmann), work of art last year...you can't even say she's a photographer as she uses scanned images of objects including old tintypes alongside her own photographs in a compilation that's more like a surrealistic montage of parts...so would that be considered art or photography or a photographically manipulated image and will some of these works someday be behind bullet proof glass (will they be valuable enough to be"</p> <p>The Art world only seems to only really respect the abstract. Surrealistic montages, a slash of paint on a wall...says nothing does nothing.....the emperor without clothes. <br /> The documentry, not abstract, not a splash on a wall. A photographer of the world and humanity....Cinderella in the art world. The abstract, the slash of paint on the wall....real art.</p> <p>Of course unless it is an oldie godly.</p> <p> </p>
  14. <p>In the real world the type of person who takes an interest in this photo would buy it as a whim...loose change in their pocket. Your thoughts on the internet would just be someone with mud on their boots. A noise. </p>
  15. <h1>Peter Lik Photo Sells for 6.5 Million. How?</h1> <p><a name="00d08B"></a><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=112337">Les Berkley</a> <a href="/member-status-icons"><img title="Subscriber" src="/v3graphics/member-status-icons/sub10plus.gif" alt="" /><img title="Frequent poster" src="/v3graphics/member-status-icons/1roll.gif" alt="" /></a>, Dec 10, 2014; 12:41 p.m.</p> <p>"Oh why can't I get a bigger ego? Seems to be all it takes <a href="http://petapixel.com/2014/12/10/peter-lik-print-sells-6-5-million-shattering-record-expensive-photo/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">in this case</a>. For God's sake, it's a picture of Antelope Freaking Canyon! The are only a couple million such in existence. Am I envious? Of course; who isn't? Swagger around, show off your big, uh, <em>tripod</em> and there you go. Okay, Lik is technically competent, and knows how to get the looks-good-in-a-thumbnail super saturated colors. Not knocking this at all, but really--more than Adams or HCB or McCurry (who at least took <em>real</em> risks) or Gene Smith or Joel Meyerowitz?"</p> <p>Wonder why I posed the question of "Fools Gold" when there so little respect we have for have for each other.... our fellow photographers..</p> <p>If photography is really going to be art then it is only about the golden oldies....the new stuff is crap. As that poster spouted.</p> <p>Sad.</p>
  16. <p>I would be very happy to put that photo on my wall because it is creative and different. I consider myself a creative photographer and recognize creativity in others.</p> <p>Have some respect for your fellow photographers and try not be the green eyed monster.... and looking at the naysayers remarks I do not see anything special they have contributed to photography.</p>
  17. <p>"He to some is a less than admirable person because of what he does to get well paid."</p> <p>Okay, artists should get well paid. They should live a life of poverty for their art. Bankers should get paid for nearly destroying the world economy due to their greed.</p> <p>Charles, are you from a different reality? Sort of like the rich really need to get richer and the poor should happy to be manure. What do you think?</p>
  18. <p>"admirable person because of what he does to get well paid"</p> <p>Best all artists work for nothing....lets be honest the real artists, genuine creative folk, are the Bankers/Finance folk who create an art of nothing not even a photo or a brush stroke. The art of the empty poor folks pockets.</p> <p>Their art is so special that we believe in the magnificence of it....true art. True art where the money is...how simple to understand.<br> .</p>
  19. <p>" I don't pay my fee to PN just so I can share my photos!"</p> <p>Your choice.</p> <p>Sharing is a pleasure we human enjoy, indeed, it is probably what made us so successful as a life form. Try sharing your photos with others you might find a special enjoyment... the interaction with others. Photography is really about photos not just about the latest gear or technical stuff which is all over the internet...</p> <p>Surprise yourself....take a journey to a different place.</p>
  20. <p>"Oh why can't I get a bigger ego"</p> <p>Weak ego in my opinion....really not having real respect for his work. Selling art cheap and cheerful.</p> <p>Seriously undervalued...but that is us believing we are not worthy of real art only the lesser stuff. And we just love to disrespect ourselves... </p> <p>Please Sir can we have some more....yes, we understand we are not worthy.</p> <p>Then we ask why we have little respect in the art world.</p>
  21. <p>"Allen, your comments betray a certain biases. One is that the financial value is what determines the value of “art” for one thing. Another is your belief that photography is nothing more than pressing a button and documented something. A third bias is that “all forms of creativity are equal is just a silly fantasy.” You are certainly entitled to these beliefs, however, a lot of us simply do not buy into these particular beliefs. We all have our own fantasies, and you’ve made yours quite <a id="itxthook7" href="/philosophy-of-photography-forum/00cyvr?start=60" rel="nofollow">clear<img id="itxthook7icon" src="http://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/lb_icon1.png" alt="" /></a>".</p> <p>Yes, i have done my very best to be biased towards photography. To understand our art we need to challenge our belief that we are creating art not just producing photo copies of what we have observed. The art world does not really recognize us as true art hence the financial value they put on photographic art...the real world. In the real world it is all about financial value....if you struggle with that concept think about some African child diseased and in poverty...what is their value.....zero. </p> <p>Yes, we are created equal, and all creativity is equal...</p> <p>The challenge of a photographer is to observe reality and turn it into their art...not just from imagination but to observe and create truths of reality.</p> <p>My personal opinion on photography is its real value in portraying real truths percieved or otherwise. Indeed it has a greater hold on real truths than any other medium of art. Hence, the real values of photography the portray of truth in a factual way as opposed to a fairy tale of imagination. </p> <p>The reality of truth is always present in any photograph.</p>
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