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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. <p>"Vision"</p> <p>An expression of reaching out to find an epical value.... a understanding of a mystical concept of value.</p>
  2. <p>"What makes a good photograph"?</p> <p> Who are those authorities that decide? Or, is it decided by a popular vote?</p> <p>Or, is it about a photographer expressing their vision....and being constantly being challenged by that vision.</p> <p>Is it not that place where truly great Artists explore.</p>
  3. <p>Post your photo of the week or follow this weeks theme "Looking".</p><div></div>
  4. <p>Such talented photos.</p> <p>That is why i want to keep this forum alive.</p>
  5. <p>Yes, the brush, the philosopher, the sculpture is the greater Art .The photographer is really about the common man. Common.</p> <p>The lesser Art.</p> <p>Methinks not...The greater Art.</p>
  6. <p>Lots of talk....but nice to have a photo.</p> <p>Sort of me...walk by.</p> <p> </p><div></div>
  7. <p>"I think a like philosopher and act like a photographer "Fred.</p> <p>A photographer, to my mind, thinks like a photographer. They are not philosophers, they are photographers, dealing in the real and their perception of the world of truth and reality.</p> <p>They do not act as anything other than a photographer...they exist in their own special place; they are photographers...special folk with their own unique individual mindset.</p> <p>They encompasses everything.... mold it all together...and then they call themselves photographers.</p> <p>Observers and pulse feelers of the world, as it is, in all its glory good or bad...and they then add their own special take.</p> <p>The Art of a Photographer.</p> <p> </p>
  8. <p>We travel on the same train everyday. We look at the same scenery everyday. We say the same words to each other everyday. We wear the same clothes everyday. We like to be the same and be among the sameness.</p> <p>Comfortable sameness...an agreement.</p> <p>Please do not bother us.</p>
  9. <p>"Aphorism"<br> <br> Challenges the mind much the same as a photograph challenges the imagination.<br> <br> The wise man is he who does today what fools will do three days later.</p>
  10. <p>"Said no artillery officer, ever." Lex.</p> <p>Maybe,, but the moguls easily wiped out the lumbering knights of heavy artillery. Only really challenged and stopped by Islam using the same tactics. Another thought you might be talking a different language and praying to a different God; only a little slip in history. Just another thought think about air superiority.</p> <p>"Aphorism is aristocratic thinking" Fred.</p> <p>So say the Guru of those who believe in a convoluted banality.</p> <p>Superiority only comes from those who are well fed. The rest are just hungry which are a third of us..</p> <p>There another thought.</p>
  11. <p>When a parrot has been shut up with a crow,<br> He thinks it a stroke of luck to get out of the cage.</p>
  12. <p>On the day of battle it is the slender horse .....not the the lumbering ox....that will be of use.</p> <p>Just a thought. </p>
  13. <p>Let us be honest 99.999% of photos will die a death of obscurity. Nobody is interested in your little banal worthless efforts.....that simple to understand.</p> <p>But you, are a master of photography, a shining light of photograph mastery.</p> <p>In other words you are enjoying yourself; what else matters? Live the dream.</p>
  14. <p>I could write you 50 pages.</p> <p>But photography is about taking photos not being lost in some weird gear talk.</p> <p>"I wanted to be an artist who used photography and of course there is a lot of mutual ground between these two worlds"<br> <br> Talking and doing. Your choice.</p> <p> </p>
  15. <p>Willie was good but the others were just so. Quick look but that it what most photos get.</p> <p>I could write a story which would tell nothing....the photograph should work. The end.</p> <p>Folks like a to be told....otherwise they would have to think for themselves.</p>
  16. <p>I""s 'your' photograph in some cases (or all cases?) not entirely 'yours'?"<br /> <br /> Nice that Julie keeps this forum alive.<br /> <br /> But your photos what else is there to talk about? Is a bogey man going to steal during the night....best hide them under your bed...just in case that bogey man gets them...or, even worse Julie.<br /> </p>
  17. <p>A while back I had severe pains in my stomach...unbearable agony. Being at a loss as what to do to stop this pain I called on God as a last my hope.. Within 5 minutes the pain eased and stopped. Hocus Pocus, coincident, I do not know... Only that the pain left.</p> <p>So, can we leave God out of this post and move on.</p>
  18. <p>"now, Alan, I offered you photography (which is what you asked for), but you chose God instead". Fred.<br /> <br /> Well to some folk God is an invisible man somewhere up above us in the sky. He has 10 rules which if we do not follow he will send us to a hell of his making for eternity....scary stuff. Of course we can use him to justify our actions to murder folk who do not follow our particular understanding of him. Convenient, helps to hide our natural bloody thirsty nature.<br /> <br /> Some folk just believe he is just a fantasy much as the same as believing in faeries (short skirt variety) at the bottom of our garden.<br /> <br /> But we really do not know...it was not so long ago we believed the world was flat. So, better to keep an open mind.<br /> <br /> Good photos, Steve. Thanks.</p>
  19. <p>"good photographs of anonymous people feel/are intimate? Is the "good" in that question tied to that feeling of intimacy?"<br /> <br /> All good photographs are intimate; it is that feeling of connection.... that is why the photographer will contemplate the moment to press the big button on their cam. Relationship, is secondary...it is all about what the subject is communicating to them.<br /> <br /> Some folk like to analysis, use a form of simplistic number logic....to put photographs in a bottle with a message.. Most mathematicians will tell you numbers are as much about imagination/creativity as logic.<br /><br />Art/Photography communicates in its own way....it is talking to us in its own special way...to try, as Charles is trying to do, to understand it in a one plus two scenario... is just a straw in your mouth hillbilly stuff.</p>
  20. <p>A few simple thoughts on some of the photos that folk have been kind enough to share.</p> <p>Eddie Law<br> Sublime, is the word that comes to mind when I look at your photo.</p> <p>Marc Todd<br> A capture of thought.</p> <p>Anders<br> The feeling of wind and rain... feel it.</p> <p>Brad<br> We are alive.</p> <p>Robin<br> a strangeness is the feedback coming from your photo....</p> <p>Gill<br> Inner thoughts, revealed.</p>
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