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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. <p>Not sure if I prefer the colour version of the photo...</p><div></div>
  2. <p>Smile and the world smiles with you.</p>
  3. <p>"did with his camera without being knifed, beaten, robbed, etc, I could not disagree more"<br> <br /> Its all about you the photographer.</p><div></div>
  4. <p>I photograph flowers because she likes photos of flowers.</p>
  5. <p>"How do you know if you have innate ability for photography?"</p> <p>My Gran at the age of 83 worked for 2 years as a cleaner in some posh blokes house to buy me my first Leica.</p> <p>My Gran did this because she believed I have talent so it must be true.</p>
  6. <p>Post a recent street photo or follow this weeks theme "graffiti/street art/words".</p><div></div>
  7. <p>Not sure if i like it or not.</p> <p>Nice feel/handling but my humble Fuji x-a1 produces better jpegs with the same lens and sharper.</p> <p>Hmm, I will try it with one of my Leica lenses.</p>
  8. <p>Talented Photographes are somewhat eccentric for some folks...but, is it not the" different" which makes the talent? Thank you for this post, Brad..</p>
  9. <p>Anyway, another photo.</p><div></div>
  10. <p>My Fuji X-Pro....shiny objects are a passion of mine. It cost me the price of a Leica case and two batteries...and a Leica lens cap.<br> How could I say no.</p><div></div>
  11. <p>little low res jpegs but still the technical quality is plain to see, Barry.<br> 10 out of 10.</p><div></div>
  12. <p> Babul trees can flourish in dry and arid regions. They are medium-sized trees, reaching an average height of about 12 m. Babul trees find use in households as well as in farms and fields for shelter and foraging purposes.</p> <p>Just a thought.</p>
  13. <p> "whether ambiguity is an invitation to interpretation"</p> <p>Well, yes, what do you think?. But I like a chat about babul as much as anyone. Of course we can all disappear up our arses in the discovery of ourselves and the meaning of something..... </p> <p>Something to mind my is about worthwhile photographs. There are always just a precious few among the babul who post photos to illustrate their understandings...a mystery really because photography is about photographs not just endless babul about the meaning of this word or that. </p> <p>A thousand words folks.</p>
  14. <p>A few more thoughts....</p> <p>I like Charles photography his depicting of the coyote and capturing a certain essence and character....<br> His story about the life and times of a little bird in his garden....I have been doing a similar thing. The little things in life to my mind are the most interesting as they join together to tell a big story.</p> <p>Brad, in his left hand a documentry photographer, in his right hand the artist. He clasps them together....and we have the photography of Brad.</p> <p>Happy new year folks.</p>
  15. <p>"However, most of the people who appreciate my work tends to be family, friends," Marc.</p> <p> <br /> Methinks more than just family, friends, your photography is respected among your peers... the highest of accolades...me, for one, and I consider myself....guess. This modesty thing which us photographers carry about like a lump of coal our shoulders...Hmm.</p> <p> <br /> "What's wrong with me just wanted to take nice pictures?"</p> <p> <br /> Nothing, I used to know a bloke who just took photos of pub signs.....he enjoyed himself a lot. Is that not what photography is all about? However, It should also have a more serious side depicting the world as it is. Is not that our strength, our art; which gives us a special uniqueness.....truths.</p> <p>But then, Alan, you do not really believe our photography is just all about nice happy pictures...you are pulling my plonker.</p> <p>Interesting post, Fred. May you live long and prosper.</p>
  16. <p>Just think with the latest development, coming soon, in quantum physics a computer 1,000 times more powerful than the latest and greatest.....A1 intelligence.</p> <p>Stick that in your Nikon you will never have to worry about taking a decent photo ever again it will do it all for you. Never have to worry about buying the latest and greatest to be a real photographer.<br /> Help is on its way...</p> <p><a href="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=10&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CGMQFjAJ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fsciencetech%2Farticle-2503370%2FQuantum-physics-proves-IS-afterlife-claims-scientist.html&ei=q0WfVLqtKIH_UvWhgJgL&usg=AFQjCNGwUzOl16X5KVx8l-9LZvRdb2cN7g&bvm=bv.82001339,d.d24">Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims ...</a></p> <p>And beyond the grave you will still be taking great photos....</p>
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