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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. <p>Sorry about posting in bits but I think in bits.</p> <p>Let us deal with all forms of creativity are equal...powerful argument. But in the real world just a silly fantasy which has a nice cozy sound bite.</p> <p>The truth is a bog cleaner in your office, no matter how talented/ creative in their work he/she is in removing hard core brown stuff. will never, ever, be anything than a brown stuff cleaner with what is considered a minor talent. Society recognizes certain approved talents and their percieved ability to be a form of a higher functions of a state of being. We are not all equal in the eye of God or anything else....think of the low salary, lack of respect for the brown stuff cleaner...bur Picasso....</p> <p>The Art is in the approved medium.</p> <p>Photograhy still " Please Sir can I have some more".</p>
  2. <p>In the real world...</p> <p>I wonder how much financial investment is invested in emerging talented photographers. Then compare that with the rest of the Arts...<br> Are we Cinderella still looking for silver shoes. </p> <p>Are we really the fools gold?</p>
  3. <p>"Is Art serious about photography or is he merely silly about it?"</p> <p>Just love those words.</p>
  4. <p>"also paid attention to why they might think that, which helps me understand their position, even though I think it's wrong."</p> <p>Not emotion but a understanding of this thread.</p>
  5. <p>I offer no apology to anyone I have upset by my seeking understanding and knowledge....and have a deep respect for those who have challenged my thoughts. Thank you.</p>
  6. <p>The purpose of this post was to challenge photography as Art. And is it really Art? Or, just a copy of what already exists. Okay, we put in our individual transfer copy......</p> <p>But does not the real Artists move far beyond the simple documentry image...a copy. They take all life's experience and turn it into a culmination of experience/knowledge/creative imagination as they perceive it...</p> <p>Is that real Art? Or, should we say " I like photography and I have pressed a button". Art.</p> <p>What do you think?</p>
  7. <p> I can think of an excellent candidate"</p> <p>Hope he is not another train transporter with a cam. But pray do tell.</p>
  8. <p>"....but man is it quiet here now, just the same names almost like a record skipping".</p> <p>The same names what would site with without them....yes, i often read the same stuff from you, sort of a skipping record....but, hey.....you are here.</p> <p>The problem is it is all gear. So many web sites about gear....so very little about creative photography. So little interest in sharing Photographs.. </p>
  9. <p>A final thought.</p> <p>A photographic portrait of a person a single photograph which can change and change a again dependent on mood of photographer and subject.</p> <p>A painting of that person, an act of imagination, from the inner feeling of perception, understanding, the feel of that soul.... a treasure given by imagination. The brush, the paint, the texture...A creative act. Escaping from the documentry.</p> <p>The culmination of understanding.... imaginatively created from a higher function in our brain capacity. The mind coming together to complete, a completeness, not a single factual documentry image.</p> <p>To create this from a single documentry imagine....is an expression of blind faith. The documentry image ....., or, the perception of the imagination, understanding, turned into a image of creativity....revealing truths beyond factual documentry.</p>
  10. <p>I have blind faith because I want to believe, And faith is blind because faith is about believing and comes from the soul.</p> <p>But my believe is all what matters, because I read it somewhere and my mates think the same because someone told us so....and they have a connection with the big bloke...</p> <p>So, there.</p>
  11. <p>In the real Art world , photographic Art...what is that a scribble on some cheap paper.</p> <p>Oil painting to hang in your home or a photograph print....think about it in honesty.</p> <p>HCB is a great among the Art of photography...yet when he was not financially pressured turned to the brush to express himself.</p> <p> </p>
  12. <p>All creativity is Art with a capital letter that is my thought. However, Photography seems to be the Cinderella of Art. It lacks any serious value in the Art world.</p> <p>Let us look at the investment in Art and look at the comparisons compared with Photographic Arts. Private investment compared with other Arts.....pennies, cents?</p> <p>Probably the most popular Art where individuals can express their vision.....but really it is about the unwashed masses who do not have a clue about Art. More concerned abour some craft of technological excellent...and the Art is poor the lost brother. Is photography about a click of a button and the latest cam....</p> <p>Or, is it ever being capable of being a real Art? and recognized as such?</p> <p> </p>
  13. <p>"To me, the value of photography as an art form isn't measured by some arbitrary monetary value placed on it, rather it's the art of preserving cultural values" Michael.</p> <p> <br /> Monetary values are the measure of worth a piece Art is to society...in a sense a mark of repect/praise expressed in monetary terms. To quote a old saying "money talks".</p> <p> <br /> "This contrasts most other art forms where something is created from nothing". Michael.</p> <p> <br /> Often an Artist will photograph or sketch a subject then they will use their imagination to take that image to another place. I do not think something is created from nothing there is always an external import.</p> <p> <br /> "Not another "is photography art?" Is sculpture art? Is painting art?<br /> To all three - No and yes. No, because it is the work and not the medium that is art" Arthur.</p> <p> <br /> This is an old argument and is right in most ways,however,a photograph records what is already there. How it is recorded by the photographer is perhaps the only Art but the creation of a piece of Art from the imagination is going to and challenge a higher celebral place.</p> <p> <br /> "is this nonsense about a bullet proof glass? Great art can be a 3 million dollar Gurtsky photograph or a simple $500 Picasso sketch (price in the 60s, maybe 10 or more times that today), but not requiring a bullet proof glass."Arhur.</p> <p> <br /> The value society puts on that Art.</p> <p> <br /> Photography, writing, musical composition, painting, sculpture - all: communication. Matt</p> <p> <br /> Of course it is all about comminication but does photograhy allow that higher form of communication due to its restictive documentry form?</p> <p> <br /> $822,400 (est. $200–300,000), making it the most expensive Lange photograph ever sold."Jochen</p> <p> <br /> Loose pocket change in the world of Great Art.</p> <p>The Photographer restricted in expressing Higher Art (for want of a better word) due to the limitations of a photograph but still believing they can create Higher Art....fools gold? A question rather than an answer.</p>
  14. <p>Is Photography really a serious Art? Photographs are not insured for millions or being stolen in art heists. When have you seen a Photograph behind bullit proof glass? Never. Is there a single Photograph, ever, that is considered to be a work of Art compared to the great work of Art. No.Photography, fools gold? or, at the very best a lesser Art. Or, perhaps an immerging Art form, yet still to be recognized as serious creative Art.</p>
  15. <p>Sign without words.</p><div></div>
  16. <p>Post a recent photo or follow this weeks theme "street art".</p><div></div>
  17. <p>To answerer the question is simple.</p> <p>Do your own thing....</p> <p>But keep an open mind to others and try to understand what they are trying to communicate. A closed mind, and a dogmatic approach is insular and few truly creative folk have that approach.</p>
  18. <p>. Okay, we're an old community of immature curmudgeons. Senior netizens. Annoying Aggregate of Recalcitrant Photographers. If we were birds we'd be a Bluster of Bloviators.</p> <p>No, we are a mixed community of thoughtful folk who like to share their thoughts and photos. Nice folk.</p> <p>The problem with the community is some folk like everyone to agree with them otherwise they will burst into tears. They do not like a challenge to their thoughts! Indeed, the challenge is where the creativity of thought and Art comes from. The creativity in Art has always been about challenging ideas and thought.</p> <p>Fred G, if you do not agree with any of my post please do not do the "nm thing". Just say what you think or say a load of BS...no offence will be taken. Otherwise I will rip your privates off and spoil your love life, So there...with a smile. Because, you are challenged, and some folk disagree, no need to cry. We are all nice folk, and like most folk we have our ups and downs. And on occasion we like to throw custard pies at each other. Sort of a fun thing to do.</p> <p> </p>
  19. <p>"I know we shouldn't get into politics here"</p> <p>I agree, but the topic of conversations is about modestly.</p> <p>Back in the times Ali lived in he was black, a member of a black Muslim religion, a draft dodger, and what was considered a braggart. Indeed, folk could not wait for him to be beaten in the ring especially by the "great white hope" Gerry Quarry. The real world of that time.</p> <p>But he was not modest but had strong self conviction and strong believe and will. Yes, we all love him now but back in day....</p> <p>Modesty, for a photographer...is it really the best policy....or, is it about being thrown into the bin of obscurity....he was a nice modest person. The end.</p> <p> If you do not have the believe who else will?<br> .</p>
  20. <p>A photograph should say something, mean something, do something....a communication of some sort.</p> <p>Yes, a photo of a piece of string has some deep meaning for the sad and lost...perhaphs, they should take up knitting which which would be more of a communicate for their Art. Knitting has its own Art more practical for some.</p> <p>Hey, everybody i have taken a photo of a light bulb can you see the Art in it? Okay. perhaphs not....but it could still be Art.</p> <p>Wiping my arse could also be Art. I wonder if I could get an exhibition of this profound moment.</p> <p> </p>
  21. <p>:The Incredibly Out of Touch Man?"</p> <p>Well, they do tend be introverted doing their own thing. Selfish in their Art.</p> <p>Generally not crowd pleasers...look at the History of Art there are so many insights.</p>
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