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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. Indeed, treat him like an adult escape the child thing. Personally, I prefer Fuji to Sony. Seem more serious photo folk, with constant updates to improve their existing range; other than just selling boxes. Okay, everyone has been sold on the hype of full frame. The reality, is, which has been proved time and time again, that on even a large print you would not be able to see any significant difference. between sensors. Really. But hype and marketing can sell anybody anything. Hence, that's why they make the big bucks.
  2. Yes, are you feeling better? Hope so. Are you ready to participate in the next Aussie Marathon? ;)) Wagga Wagga on Saturday 27th May 2023 all age groups are welcome.
  3. A good photo just works for the majority of folk. There's no mystic reason, or special mathematical formulae' Let us call it Art. Art, a mystery to itself.
  4. 3-times? You must have meant it." Bill" I agree - Hope you're well soon, Arthur! "Bill" I tried for 6 times...but the P/N software got its pants/knickers all in a twist. Sure, we all hope you get well, Arthur.
  5. A photo that works, is a photo that communicates in its own language, and reaches out to the viewers. It does not need a thousand words' Crap photos need that. The emperor without clothes is a good analogy.
  6. " Recent ill health has kept me off the streets." Arthur Hope you recover. The best Allen.
  7. " Recent ill health has kept me off the streets." Arthur Hope you recover. The best Allen.
  8. " Recent ill health has kept me off the streets." Arthur Hope you recover. The best Allen.
  9. Members 5.8k Posted Wednesday at 01:50 AM "A picture is worth a thousand words" Alan. There's is a thought. However, some folks believe a thousand words...well, how can any picture be more worthy than a thousand word? Indeed, you can turn a blade of grass into a masterpiece of pictorial photography, with just a mere thousand words. Just a thought. Anyway, being me, a photo. Finger salute to the thousand words.
  10. A photo is always a photo. However, when it has it has lost its character by being over cooked...well, for want of a better word it is a lost its soul. It ceases to communicate other than being a pretty pretty banal thing at best.
  11. " Then you start a rescue operation. Maybe you start by rescuing a fleeting moment from your reactions to a scene" The thing is, Tony, I think we would all like to see, how you rescued that fleeting moment. We would, especially me. I've done, my best. to support you with photographs, but methinks it's your time to step and show us. Waiting with anticipation of photographic pleasure. /enjoyment. Thanks
  12. Anyway, enough. Time for a photo isn't that what we are really about? Try for a nice one;))
  13. Where is my mate, Fred.? A rock of P/N. Highly intelligent, struggles intellectually, but a savior, to simple minded folk. Those simple-minded folk, that do not understand a lot, but love the colour red, like my mate Sandy. Bless him. Bless, the simple-minded folk. They just do not understand stuff. Bless them, in their naivety. Not their fault,but the lack of education.
  14. This bloke's photo keeps popping. on my posts. Methinks, he, thinks, he has created a masterpiece. My best mate, Sandy, thinks also,it is a masterpiece. Hey Ho, who am I to argue.
  15. "for your comments, Allen. Although they seem more rebuff than critique" Rico. Really, a very boring photo... okay, we can all create a story around any photo.; a lump of grass or whatever. But is that about the photograph, or, about wordsmithing. What do you think, your choice.
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