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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. A deep disrespect for Photographers who Photographed humanity. in all its troubles. Self promotion comes to mind from the photos posted, with little to do with Documentary.
  2. Documentary photography as a form of storytelling is very much based on the real world. It is not based on a photographers perception of their individual Art. That belongs in another place.
  3. One special Documentary photo among the make believe. luis triguez
  4. Hey Hoy All sort of stuff on the web, much like the newspapers. But, they put a smile on your face.
  5. Does it work? Or, does it need a thousand words? "his exploration and understanding is the path to a wider contextualization of the creative work and to the determination of its sense beyond the individual perception of the photographed" I mean, really. "sense beyond the individual perception" Only Angels could possibly understand what is beyond our perception. Perhaps the poster, of such deep perception, has risen above mere humanity, and has become a Angel. Our full it.
  6. "t create a real upheaval in the world of photography" Indeed. Although, there were also other Photographers around at the time, who were also part of the Social Documentary of those times. Simplistic, understanding combined...with google searches. Key board warriors. Would you like me to name those other photographers?
  7. "t create a real upheaval in the world of photography" Indeed. Although, there were also other photographers around at the time, who were also part of the social documentary. Simplistic, understanding combined...with google searches. Key board warriors. Would you like me to name them?
  8. Not a beggar, a traveler with his dog. Travelling across Europe with his little friend, Caesar.
  9. Or, look at the Leica Vario 107.. Designed purely for the quality of its lens; to be a match for any Leica prime at all focal lengths. Do some research. Many of my photos I post on the Leica forum are from that camera. And, yes, I also have 2 M cameras. It is not a Cinderella to the M.
  10. "Don't matter none to me , all Leica's are WAY beyond my pay grade" Sandford. Not sure about your paygrade but the Leica M240 is dropping in price. Leica folk consider it the ugly duckling......live view, video....not a true Leica M.
  11. "But the "Critics" and self styled "Experts" 😇 have enormous influence (it has always been like this) , and tend to carry the day." Of course. If they decide, then it it is decided. They will cloak the photograph in a thousand words of hyperbole .Quoting various photographs from the past to create a picture of learning and credibility. Superior intellect and education. The reality is, does a photograph communicate/work it really does not need a thousand words or be cloaked in hyperbole.
  12. Show yours and why you think it is a good photograph. Don't be modest shy.
  13. "The first is Craig, who refuses to wear a shirt". Arthur. Like him. He also refused to wear a shirt.
  14. Why believe in fairy tales when the truth is far more interesting. We are all grown up now, and we understand fairy tales are just fairytales. The truth is far more interesting. but you have to work to find it. Hey, Ho why bother when you can live in a nice fairy tale..
  15. "So that's the first shot - I've seen the future, and it's ugly" Arthur. Science, not religion, from serious studies, from top universities; many think otherwise. Hard core scientific facts. Google. Not really the place to discuss this. But think quantum physics,; conciseness never dies, it is a wave form....the basic construction of the universe is made up of waves...much like music.. . I like go to the root things, ,mostly ancient history.. ... those who we call Israelite's were a variety of mercenary tribes paid to defend Egypt from the the mysterious sea people. Invaders.. Jesus only existed in the scribes of Jewish folk 100 years after his purported death. There is absolutely no archeology .or, written evidence he ever existed. Anyway, time for a photo...that's what we are all about. Apologies' if I've upset anyone ...but free thought is important.
  16. Nice and sharp which you like, particularly the first photo. Bravo, in your vernacular. You have sure got to grips with Artisan 7. A Cinderella lens which shows up to the ball when it matters.
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