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Allen Herbert

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Everything posted by Allen Herbert

  1. "the traffic here seems down to all-time lows...I wonder what the point is for keeping it up? "Toss Pot. Why would it bother you.? Toss Pot.
  2. "Welcome to the future" Sam What future is that? A snake oil salesman, playing to the illiterates
  3. "seems like the usual old timers are still talking about photography. I am a fan" dick Of course you are a fan. Imagine, one day, you took a photo. Scary. thought for you, methinks.
  4. " “It’s the machine and human collaboration that produces exciting results" Really. Sad for all those who walked before us not to have a machine collaboration. What the monkeys are these machines that produce exciting results? Other that using other folks photography to blend various photos together...
  5. Bottom line is this your photo? Or, something else?
  6. "As a tool the creatives are experimenting and exploring new pathways" Inoneeye And what pathways are we exploring ? A data base of stolen photographs from the internet? Of course they cannot answer other than offering a silly stolen banal image. Little else. Armchair Photographers glued to computer screen. Sad. Imagine, going out in the real world and taking your own photos . Scary, really scary, but they will be your photos, not some computer generated image copied from a stolen data base.
  7. My Freddy, downloaded this special super intelligent entity ,for me, Ion. Always struggled with stuff like, one plus one makes two thing. Now my super entity does it all for me, And it does terrific photos; all my mates are dead jealous. Freddy, if you buy him some beers, will do the same for you. He say he likes you, so should be no probs.
  8. "I don't think there's any issue using AI for art just as one would create an oil painting" Alan. Methinks, us humans create Art and oil paintings. Is there some entity which has taken over from us Ai? Methinks not. Okay, be be kind, it helps us explore our Art, and supplement/create it on a special level. My mum does that, I don't need some blokes computer program who was probable high at the time;).
  9. When is a photograph no longer a photograph? PapaTango Simple answer. You decide, if it is your photo or something else. Something else is some data based,, silly program, created by a programmer ,who has never taken a photo in their lives. If you need some computer program, to enhance your photography, try taking up knitting. Lot of involvement, in a tactual level, without some silly computer programmed to wiping your rear. Get out there, discover the world, throw away that armchair and the computer goggles.
  10. Very nice lens bur the aperture ring is very tight.
  11. Testing my recent purchase a 90mm 2.8 Leica lens. Not the latest and greatest but not that old either. A country walk.
  12. "At what point does an image become an illustration, due to manipulation? " papa, Photography as a Art form, and yes ,it is a Art form, it is based on a reality of truths. Its roots are deep in depicting the world as it is. Whether this is Documentary Photography or the magic of Ansell Adams Photography.. That is the Art of Photography. The difference from other Art.
  13. The first photo Luis, a capture of emotion. frozen in time.
  14. The, what you call the straight photo, catches the eye. Interesting. The others for me is just someone messing in P/S, akin to someone placing their rear hole on a photo copier, and claiming they have created a masterpiece of originality. Hmm. Hey ho, everyone to their own. Us heathens would never understand. The real world does not need manipulation it just needs discovering.
  15. I was going to post a photo...but Fan Ho Photography has humbled me.
  16. "At what point does an image become an illustration, due to manipulation?" Papa. There's manipulation and manipulation.. Type in your browser "Fantasy Photographs" Methinks, the brush/easel would express their Art a lot better. I suppose its all about the image , but for me, it is also about the journey., and the enjoyment of it. Playing around with manipulated images on your computer seems very boring especially when there's a real world out there to discover. The real world does not need manipulation it just needs discovering. The third eye of the Photographer. Fan Ho Photography (fanho-forgetmenot.com)
  17. "Jos Avery … confession regarding popular ‘photo’ portraits deception. He used ai generated imagery and extensively post processed to make them appear real. ? Some could see behind the curtain but most did not." Inoneeye. Snake oil salesman. The reality is, that is exactly what this simplistic computer program will be used for-little else .Plagiarism. "This use of ai is what concerns many. But that is only one limited use that ai has to offer." Inoneeye. Curious, what else has it to, offer? Don't tell me, it is a entity far beyond human comprehension;) Sorry, could not resist.
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