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Wayne Melia

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Wayne Melia


    It works.

    In defiance/ignorance of standard principles of composition, color harmony, etc. (correct me if I'm wrong),

    Except maybe to illustrate/define the irrelevence of said principles.

    "Content uber alles" ?

    The relationship between the two is the subject and the 'gesture', and it is clear because it is unencumbered by artifice.

    For those who missed it, it works.

  1. Thanks all. Vincent: this is full frame (uncropped), composition is mostly luck (just trying to keep the subject in the frame as the action moves across the arena towards me); but I was pleased with the somewhat rare occurence of the cowboy's face being in the light, instead of shaded under the hat brim.



    Congratulations on your luck getting away with photographing it. Some of them take offense.

    It's also, to me. one of those pics that is rewarding to the viewer just to look at for an extended time just because of the colors/tones.

    Sort of like savoring good soup.

    Girls, let's talk

    I'm having a great time romping thru this gallery; and loving this one with the ball in midair, intense concentration from the foreground girls, and the apparent giggle of the one in back.


    Despite the (sometimes not reccomended) shoulder-square presentation, the curve of the torso and neck-head gives a grace, and the tones are very nice.

    Highly comunicative photo; great dynamics of contrasts , shapes and lines to give instant hook; then lovely content of pretty face and smile, interesting activity to hold interest and offer excuse to stay and look longer, appreciating the joy.



    ready to either; pick off the runner on first, or nail that snotty kid at the back of the class.

    I often have difficulty interpreting......

  2. I'm struck by the juxtaposition of the sensual moulding of the furniture and the rich color palette against the industrial context of the location.

    Don't know what, if any, meaning to ascribe to that; but that's probably the whole point. Celebration of seeing that is certainly reason enough to make the photo, and the superb execution makes it a good photo. Thanks for sharing,

    The smoker

    Life is too short to let these moments pass. also love the placement on the side of the frame...., I don't know what compositional rule explains this, but guessing that breaking the principle of giving the subject space to look into is source of tension-giving life.
  3. Really an interesting photo, and I hesitate to comment for fear that my limited:

    understanding of art , and

    having only looked at it for 1 day will demean it; but

    (initially) the drama of the contrast, and basic silouhettes of the humans, combined with the aspect ratio give it a strong hook, and the hints of details in the humans tease and give holding power. The hints of details in the steps provide additional depth to give a reality. then the groupings of the people lead to speculation about their relationships. ...and the explanation point of the sign .

    It's a rewarding photo that's a treat to view.

    ps. my "critiques" are more a self-indulgence of trying to understand my reactions(s) to a photo, so don't take me too seriously .... I don't.

  4. interesting illustration of how mastery of the principles gives drama and interest to an ordinary scene. The geometry of lines (sub-subjects od the smaller buidings lhs, power poles, shoulders of the path to the main building, base and shadow of the trees, branches and curve of the horizon to the white verticals of the silo, and even the stain on the roof), all lead to the contrasty framed center point.
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