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Wayne Melia

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Wayne Melia

  1. Pretty picture, and an impressive structure (that's a big barn). I notice how the roof ridge is still remarkably straight despite the age as evidenced by the surface deterioration of the roof. Fine job in capture, processing, and presentment.

    Emmy Portrait


    I'm a sucker for revelation of skin texture like you have here. To my eye (/psyche?) it creates an intimacy/connection between subject and viewer that leads to an emotional reaction by the viewer. Reaction by the viewer is a good thing.


    The drama of the contrasty lighting to makes a visual hook that grabs attention and invites further study and appreciation.

    With bombardment by so many images with our connectivity these days, that's a necessity, and a treat.


    Oh, and of course, having such a photogenic beautiful model/subject is a plus too (more than somewhat).

    Electric Chair

    Thanks, Jack. I took, processed, and presented it for the juxtaposition of the chair and sign, thus the caption, which made me giggle; but I appreciate others' take on it, to help me see better.



    Thank you, gentlemen for your comments, and I'm glad you enjoy it.

    For clarification, it was taken while leaning out from between two cars of 'my' train, and the LHS is the next car in my train. The trains were stopped at the time!

    I never contemplated the 'artistic' implications you raised, at least not in those terms, but thanks to you, I can possibly learn.

  2. the color contrast between the green trees and purple roots, and the lit trunks against the dark abyss immediately grab my eye; vertical tree trunks and horizontal colour bands, ... well seen, captured and presented.
  3. 1. the 'eye' thru which the knot is tied looks like it's trying to eat the rope. I like it when a photo triggers impressions.

    2. Phillip's comment about it being hard to tie leads to speculation that the rope, with it's own intelligence, tied itself?

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